
That picture of him gets more and more creepy each time it’s used.

I fully support this recent trend toward including at least one Chris Hemsworth item in each dirtbag. I decree all dirtbags should have at least one Hemsworth item (and not about the lesser Hemsworth. Chris or GTFO). Make it so.

While out grocery shopping, I saw a person in incredible leggings and boots carrying a tiny holiday tree (like 2~3 ft) out for a walk. The tree had a bow on top. It brought me joy.

“Your parents mated well, please congratulation them.”

If you ever have a chance to see Carrie Fisher do one of her live shows... DO IT.

Carrie Fisher is the shit. “Gary’s bored as hell.” BEST INTERVIEW EVER.

I never thought I would say I want to see this movie. In fact I would have put money on the fact that I would never go see a Star Wars movie.

I went to Comic-Con, and waited in line to take a picture with her, and she had this pup with her then too! She was just so kind and sweet, she held my hand! and when she thought the photo didn’t turn out well, she asked the picture people to take a second one, and she was right, the first photo I had my eyes closed.

I would see this movie if even just for her.

Um, have you seen Rookie mag? Yes, sure, as a 12 to 16 year old she was really in to ridiculous outfits. But now she’s moving more and more in to feminism and serious writing. So good of her. If there's a bunch of fame-obsessed copycats and stage moms, they'd be doing that shit regardless of Tavi Gevinson.

Perfect. This was perfect. You are perfect.

Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.

I always liked Louis CK’s “I dunno they’re your dumb kids tell them what you want.”

Carrie wins again.

Men who think the point of feminism is to provide them with another justification to decide what women should wear:

“What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?”

90s me is v into that seth green selfie.
