
Right?! Combined with all the whistling, what are we supposed to think? It sure as shit ain’t the way you interact with a human person.

I just...I don’t...

This makes me want to cry.


Da fuck?!

My boyfriend’s dad did it when I was sixteen, like as often as he could. So weird and awful.

S’s & g’s. All day long.

You betcha.

Toot tooooot!!! You should GO for it!

You know what really grinds my gears? (Since everyone is dying to know.)

This. Is why I drive.

How the fuck does this guy know how God wears his pants?!

I don’t know you but I like you.

Boy. I’m so glad I live in Austin, one of those communities where the young go to retire and no one cares if you’re 39 and act like an 18 year old.

I kind of hope he’s a jerk so someone (me) can teach him a lesson. With their (my) vagina. Take that, arrogant hot man! Bow before the omnipotence of my genitalia!

Elephants too. I can’t look at them!

Oh hey, that actually felt really good. :)

Lord knows.

Sigh. I apologize for not offering enough context. He was commenting on how absurd the headline is. Which it is.

The plight of text-he was being extremely sarcastic.