Then you get to the core of the plan here: Its not to help Mexico.
Then you get to the core of the plan here: Its not to help Mexico.
Can’t see hands to confirm, but I assume that’s Italian.
Why did you turn?
God I wish I could sell bullshit as well as Paul Elio
Your argument is valid and cogent with one exception: Artificially low speed limits.
Fuck speed cameras.
Or you can dislike speed cameras as the craven, revenue generation devices they are, while also understanding that speeding may cause you to get a ticket.
You know what can turn HD around? Start making crossovers...
If only there was a good citizen with a van there to stop him.
Whenever anything like this happens all I can think is,
Followed closely by “Financial De-regulation”, “Freefall”, and “Estate Sale”.
Say what you want about Tesla...they’ve hit it if every other electric car company is aiming to be a “Tesla Killer”. Remember the mid 00s and every other mp3 player was gunning to be the iPod killer? How did that work out?
An injury requiring only first aid is a “boo-boo”. We don’t report them at my work either. It wastes more time to document the “boo-boo” than it does just to fix it. Not documenting is not the same as failing to accommodate the slightly injured employee
Yet another company producing horseless carriages, but we still don’t have a good way to fuel them. Thank god people aren’t buying them in droves, or we’d have a problem.
Yup. Autopilot is disabled from the factory. It sounds like you need to go into the settings to activate it, where it will tell you that it’s not a perfect system and to pay attention at all times. Only once you agree to that can you activate it.
Nice try, but that’s not autopilot. That’s FSD (“Full Self Driving”) which is a separate option and at the moment is not available for activation.
Yeah, but why accept responsibility for your own actions when you can blame someone else and sue for millions?
You can rent a Cessna 172 from 1970 with autopilot installed and fly VFR without ever talking to anybody on the radio. The responsibility is on the pilot to not hit something. Autopilot has been around in aviation for decades and it’s always ultimately the pilot’s responsibility not to hit stuff.
When a pilot engages autopilot on an aircraft, who’s responsibility is it to ensure that the aircraft remains in control, and isn’t heading towards anything that could kill crew and or passengers?