
Move the power stations out to the rural areas! Problem solved!

Battery pack life has little to do with it, as studies have shown that battery packs don’t degrade very quickly.

The rate of advancement of battery technology and expecting them to become a lot cheaper (therefore causing massive depreciation to these vehicles as the battery is the biggest cost) is probably a bigger

58 miles of range? Really? Nobody will buy this, stop wasting your time.

Same. This post is out of touch if it is wanting to blame any accidents on tourists not being familiar with the left lane. You’re literally following your tour guide, and not straying from the lane they’re in.

So.. you drove an Audi TTRS?

GM wasn’t all-evil. If they didn’t acquire SAAB, it probably would’ve died years earlier. From 1988-1995 SAAB turned a profit in exactly one of those years.

Ah, sorry, I’m planning on keeping it. Great piece of history.

It does look like others have done “reprints” or recreations of the company’s shirts—guess nobody is left to sue them for IP.

I actually bought an Enron T-shirt when the company went bankrupt. Still have it lying around somewhere.. I think it had their “Ask Why?” slogan on it.

I think it also just has to do with how society has changed. Rather than graduating hs and immediately entering a trade and being able to “begin your life” at a young age of 20 or so, that now doesn’t happen until almost 30 (by the time college is paid off and you have a career where you can actually buy things.)


Another reason to shop at Costco.

Lyft Line. Maybe it was a promo weekend/month? Dunno.

It was literally $3.20 from 1700s 16th St NW to 400s 15th St NE, though, and took a reasonable 30 minutes.

It’s pretty easy to see why. Public Transport is poorly managed and woefully underfunded much of where it exists.

Take DC for example. The last 10 years Metro has been cutting train frequency, cutting service hours, and raising fares, all while trains are catching on fire, power substations are catching on fire, and in

Not saying that I agree (I’d take the V), but AWD? Their 0-60 times are pretty close stock.

Not a single comment about the visibility in this thing? Really?

I test drive the car, I like it, I run to the bank and get a cashier’s check for what we agree upon?

Hrmmm, I wouldn’t call my APR-tuned TTRS a turd. (Shhh bby, you didn’t need to hear him.)

Someone asked me if I would take payments on a $70 coffee table set.

Because people have the common perception that if they cannot negotiate, it is not a good deal. Just like how stores mark up prices before a sale.

It’s stupid, but it’s reality.