Oh No I Di'n't

I wish those slides were everywhere. I'd be quittin' shit left and right.

@Pesti-Esti: They should have this happen on all those special flights they have for sick kids.

Now playing

If he had done this over the intercom it would have been even better.

@Pesti-Esti: I'd gladly pay more to check my luggage if this happened on every flight I was on.

This is easily the awesomest way to quit a job. Well, next to the time D.B. Cooper quit his crappy male flight attendant gig in the 70s...

@stpauliegirl: He gave up his dream to go into massive debt as an American studies grad student?

@titansfan78: I thought Duke was the Stanford of the South.

This guy isn't the dumbest student athlete I've seen by far. If you were having a March Madness of Dumb Student Athletes, this guy wouldn't even get an invitation to the NIT.

@claireific: He would drop everything for this project. Trust me.

@claireific: The only thing is that there needs to be a more kickass soundtrack that has a good shot at winning an award. John Williams will score this movie.

We really have no choice but to like it since there isn't a dislike option.

@saketome: The movie wants to know how it gets a star or 4.

@ligmasagbatch: The should have just called it The Social Network.