
There was time to react. He would have hit someone else in that reaction...
“The vehicle in front of us had cleared an object that was lying in the middle of my lane. I couldn’t avoid it or stop without causing what would probably be serious accidents for multiple vehicles. I had no choice other than to go over it,

Considering cops in America today are essentially evolved versions of slave-catchers, I’m not sure what you were expecting. Police are there to protect the property and interests of the bourgeoisie and their petite bourgeoisie allies. Police are never the friends of the poor though often they drawn from the ranks of

I don’t really see how he would lose a lawsuit, Odom’s struggles are well publicized, and bringing SAS to court would do nothing but dredge them all back up and into the public eye. You can’t win a lawsuit on the basis that the other personis a dick.

Lamar partied hard. SAS is a dick but he wasn’t lying and isn’t getting sued and losing.

Meanwhile, Josh Jackson was excited to get drafted by Phoenix, so he can enjoy the city’s great selection of McDonald’s cheeseburgers.

I look forward to chowing down on (local foodstuff and/or national fast food chain) when I get to (city)

You need to get out more often. Not only is $42 for that combo fucking stupid, only someone fucking stupid would think it is.

Yeah, that’s still not worth $42.

Here is my garbage take on your garbage take regarding HamNo’s garbage take:

How the fuck is this numbnuts in charge of anything?

WaPo’s new tagline is, in hindsight, more prescient than I gave it credit for. There’s nothing quite as dark as the inside of a camera that’s been voluntarily turned off, after all.

This administrations WORDS are worthless. I has shown time and time again that it is their ACTIONS that we need to be watching.

Jackson’s deal-making prowess appears to be positively Trumpian.

A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

Speak for yourself. I appreciate traffic enforcers, so I don’t have to block the cheating assholes myself.

Yeah. If I had to guess, I’d guess that someone doesn’t want too much documentation on how his arrival is going to coincide with expanded settlements.

Ha! Linking to fluoridealert is like linking to 911truth.org and calling it a valid source.

You would have to ingest heavy amounts of fluoride to be poisoned. Or be under the age of three years old. i.e. The poison control warning on the back of the tube of toothpaste.

Oh great! You should also try: http://www.tinfoilhats-r-us.com

"Poison" is a misleading term. Technically, chocolate is a poison. Vitamin C is too. Everything, taken in large enough quantities (even water!) can be poisonous.