The exact same thing is posted with jerry jones...dude got taken by a meme
The exact same thing is posted with jerry jones...dude got taken by a meme
It’s terrifying that if this man had just a CURSORY sense of self-awareness he’d probably be elected president. Don’t even stop lying or talking about the wall or NATO or outsourcing or crooked Hillary. Just avoid half the irrelevant self-indulgent impulsive own-foot-shooting fuck-ups. Talk about how awesome you are…
These are not negative consequences for the band members. I can’t think of any reason why the band members would give a flying fuck that the game they will be attending as band members won’t be carried on the radio. The macho posturing of the station that they are teaching consequences to these students, and the…
Wait, so two yellows and you’re ejected?!? What is this? Football?
I don’t check grays, but I can only imagine you got a few “hurr-durr I thot libruls were sposta be compassionate an accepting of others beeleefs durrrr... *Pepe meme*” replies to this.
White Sox fan here. I’ll never like the Cubs, but I dislike them infinitely less than I do the Cardinals and their sanctimonious fans.
Who the fuck cares about the Cubs? We just find Cardinal fans to be horrible people.
Ease up Francis. It’s a sports team. If you can’t handle someone mocking how dreadfully self-important fans like you are, then you might want to find a safe space away from the internet.
You came here to whine that some other baseball fans are whiny. Classic. Do you wear sweater vests too?
Calm down, Rocket.
They are not Cubs fans here. But they got under your skin really good, and deservedly so.
As a Cubs fan, I’m delighted that you erroneously think these were written by Cubs fans.
There are zero Cubs fans on this staff. Samer is a Red Sox fan.
These are all from me.
Trump has the racist as well as the plain fucking stupid vote allll wrapped up.
“white power and a bunch of just raging ignorance”
Cardinals fans, amiright?