I’m pretty sure I have a link to a Washington Times article that says internet sources don’t matter and anything you can Google is true.
I’m pretty sure I have a link to a Washington Times article that says internet sources don’t matter and anything you can Google is true.
The internet has given ignorance all the voice it wants.
It is truly impressive the electoral influence of piss-pants-scared white men.
I agree, up until you assume humans are “better than this.” Humans are this.
Entire economies orbit around this shit, though. There’s huge profit motive for literally thousands of people just based off the drama of this one divorce.
Exactly. It’s my throwaway email account, and I play fantasy football there, and that’s it. Not one single identifying detail associated with it.
Everything in this article tells me that he will have at least one more serious relapse, and soon. He doesn’t sound ready to actually get clean.
Thank you, I just posted almost exactly this.
That really only applies to white folks.
Can we please stop reporting that “demonstrators” and “protestors” are the ones looting? Those are opportunists using the protests as a cover for looting, and it diminishes the actual protests to lump them in with people who are rightfully pissed off.
How could you possibly leave out the actual source of all shit and evil, Lane Kiffin?
The difference is, of course, that saying Trump is a fraud who uses his “charity’s” money for personal reasons, defrauds consumers at every possible turn, doesn’t pay bills, transfers personal debt to investors then declares bankruptcy, etc etc etc, is not lying, while the things you say about Clinton mostly are.
No, dear. Only one has written checks directly from the “charity” he controls, using exclusively other people’s money, to pay off his legal settlements, buy himself trinkets, etc.
So great that this prosecution is being vigorously advanced, but nobody seems to want to do much about a certain presidential candidate doing literally the exact same thing.
5th grade is pretty far above the intellectual level of the median Trump voter.
Doesn’t matter. None of it matters. The Deplorables are determined to make true his assertion that he could, in fact, murder someone in plain day and not lose a single vote.
You need more stars.
Better cross ‘em tight. I wouldn’t misunderestimate the electoral power of stupid, hateful assholes.
He got elected by the people down 294 a little ways toward Raleigh from my mother’s cabin who have this in their yard:
A Trump presidency, and what that means for the present and future of this country, would easily drive me back to booze, if not heroin. That’s not a world I want to live sober in.