
What big, popular televised sport went on strike in ‘03? Surely you’re not referring to the ‘04/’05 NHL lockout, which was not only not a strike, but was not a huge television deal, either.

You are comparing an essential component to a non-essential one that supplies barely-if-at-all-significant improvement in performance.

Jeter may be the most overrated player in MLB history. He did have a knack for making extremely routine plays look really difficult but in a graceful way, I guess.

It doesn’t seem particularly trying. It almost seems too easy. I applaud the commitment to a worthwhile cause.

Perhaps I’m hopelessly behind this no-doubt burgeoning and long-lived phenomenon, but I have to ask, wasn’t RC racing already drone racing before? Like, before I ever heard the term drone racing?

Fuck the Mets for getting to the Series last year. Fuck the Mets for costing me $3k (including some fake tickets and a fun story) driving to NYC for playoffs and series games. Fuck the Mets for giving up every game to KC. And fuck the Mets, as always, for going right back to being the fucking Mets, who can’t beat the

There’s no real reason to gender labor disputes in general. This one has that specific facet, but you should really say “the only language the ruling class understands...” Labor v. management is as old as employment.


There’s no misunderstanding. And no need for you to project who’s taking things personally. This whole thing seems to be a deep personal issue for you. Hope you’ve made some progress here.

“Generally speaking if your life experiences differ from mine, you’re doing it wrong.”

It’s funny that you would be so dismissive of the entire concept of there being a viewpoint other than your unfounded rant that’s clearly just based on your own personal issues; as though “standing up for Leo’s boner” were obviously and laughably without merit at all, but standing up against Leo’s boner is such a

Right. It’s my laziness - not your complete lack of logic or evidence, and near-total reliance on personal anecdotes and baseless speculation - that is at fault.

Just his, or would they also take them back from every actor/actress who is also that cliche (because that’s how things become cliches to begin with)?

I’m trying hard to follow your logic. Care to elaborate?

I guess the Good Guy With A Gun - whose omnipresence we’ve been assured of by the gun fetishists - was, what, taking a leak at the time? Because I’ve definitely been convinced by the right wing that a complete lack of gun regulations means that this kind of thing is actually less likely to happen.

Man. You are just painfully stupid. What’s that like?

Yeah, I was worried you wouldn’t be capable of understanding a lot of those words. I’m sure you gave it your best shot, li’l buddy.

Hahahahaha, you’re such a dipshit. The post-facto semi-qualification is either meaningless, or you’re admitting that your comparison was idiotic and meaningless and only served to sensationalize, which is why you included the limp-dick walk-back in the first place.

This is one of the more asinine comments I’ve ever read. You literally made healthy adult women equivalent to autistic children to make your “point.” And that may not even be the dumbest part. Yeesh.

Your assumption is that not running on the sidewalk is breaking a law, which it likely is not. I have had cops on numerous occasions attempt to force me to do something that was either illegal, dangerous, or unnecessary. You don’t have to do whatever a cop says.