the original xy

Since my gram passed away from cancer I’d support that cause.

Usually, I despise Aramark and their ‘values’..but not this time!

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s you, but one of us is “that guy” right now.

Hall of Flames perhaps, but no. Akin to Attorneys General I believe, but I’m wrong every day.

You need black materia to summon it.

You will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.

I actually live in the attic you pathetic fuck. And having nothing to do with a crime doesn’t excuse celebrating the criminal because he was good at winning nominally amateur athletic events

The Legend of Santa: Toy Force Heroes

Yeah, Kobe went from 8 to 24, fucking typo motherfuck it

Your posts are bad and you should reconsider being alive.

Sherman knows all about karma screwing up a season:

you see giant craters and a rift between tectonic plates, i see my city’s new ponds and riverfront area.

Other game systems could have used some of those 40%

I’ve always contended he looks like Krang’s robot body from the original Ninja Turtles cartoons.

Here’s another Wiki for help

I hope your kid is in grad school.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

Love, [Redacted]