i have never chosen the water type starter in 2 decades of Pokemon but the design has never been the reason. i just like to burn things.
i have never chosen the water type starter in 2 decades of Pokemon but the design has never been the reason. i just like to burn things.
every time i think Don can’t get any dumber he goes and proves me wrong.
for some reason it’s pissing me off that the guy in the picture up there doesn’t know how to draw a swastika.
i hate that this made me laugh but then i remembered that i have never protected a pedophile so i feel better now.
he’s a customer of mine and this is shocking to me but i guess everyone is capable of being stupid.
to bother you.
holy balls that’s great.
what’s going on
it does seem in bad form to create evidence of your crime and then leave it where anyone can see it.
(insert tasteless Chris Benoit joke here)
damn shame. Sleeping Dogs wasn’t perfect but it was a damn fine game.
have you met America? we’re lucky if one thing can be important for more than 10 seconds.
maybe the Preds changed their colors this year.
you have to admire the sheer stupidity.
i’m a millennial and i know exactly who that is.
pretty sure he has a headache all the time.