Oh god why

Thank you!

I feel it is fairly common in male-male couples. I know a few whom we call The Twins.

Trademark “doppelbangers.” That is some vintage portmanteau-ing you did there.

Yeah my ex is engaged to a female version of himself. It is creepy.

THANK YOU. I swear half of my facebook friends have spouses that are identical to themselves. It’s so bizarre... I also once had this douchebag bar tender hit on me and I was like um we could be siblings so how bout not.

Came for asswipe guitar player rating the playing, knew it wouldn’t take long. I’d say “not disappointed”, but...

It’s also amazing how such a small number of Jews managed to covertly transport 6 million Africans to South America and that those slaves just happened to come into the ownership of Portuguese slaveowners.

All that needs to be said.

We don’t need confederate monuments anywhere.

Did one of those knuckle-draggers shoot themselves like at the last rally? I always find that kind of karma amusing.

Good on them.

Is there no one else is more qualified then a fake shoe designer wax doll to sit at G20 while her daddy had to tinkle because no stamina??

I know I enjoy reading lots of fairy tales and whatnot, but I am so enraged by this that my only semi-coherent response to this is as follows: Burn the monarchy down to the ground.

Saw a new car in my parking lot. Truck, Arkansas plates, “One nation under GOD” “MAGA” and (my favorite) “Info Wars” bumper stickers.

The fact is that we’re in an extinction era. There’s nothing controversial about facts, they simply are. Hawking isn’t wrong here, ignorance of facts doesn’t make them untrue.

#faketweet #couldbearealtweet #butnospellingerrors

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?