more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.
more like Leonidas of ‘Roids.
At the same time, she’s bothered that fencing requires her daughter to shake hands with male referees and travel without a male guardian.
Du Li noted.
You can always tell when swimmers beef. Just look for the bubbles.
And Hillary is even 1% better than Trump?!? No. The answer is no. When you consider the $2B in offshore money that has funneled through her “foundation”, she is essentially for sale to the highest foreign bidder. Trump is crazy, Hillary is crazy AND crooked. Scary.
I’d say this is a shit show, but the aquatic events haven’t started yet.
You’d think Green would wait to get to Rio to go viral.
This is like getting upset at the cop that found your fingerprint at the crime scene. The fingerprint wouldn’t be there if you didn’t commit the crime. If my email gets hacked I don’t rightly give a shit. Because there is nothing there that can be used against me. Keep voting for Democrats. It suits you. Since Trump…
I find it amusing that people are trying to hide behind “But it was Russia!” Let’s look at this...
This is absolute gold ; ‘but I wish him well in the competition,”. Drops mic and walks away with Olivia Munn.
I don’t think the title is correct. It isn’t misinformation if it is true. It is just information. Everything I have read about the most damning of emails hasn’t been refuted as false. The spy part works though.
Based on what I’ve read, you’re a factor of 10 off.
More like “Viral video YouTube money attempt.”
“How We Do” is a superior 50/Game collab.
Mr. Pang you are an idiot. Why does Tesla need to talk to you if they have all the sensor data to determine that your hands werent on the wheel?
The real racism in sports:
Exhibit A:
Literally the most important part is with it prohibiting local municipalities from setting minimum wage and working regulations. But you all can sit there and act like the tens of people who cant use what restroom they want (which they still can as everyone know) is a damn travesty.
1.HB2 isnt as bad as people put it out to be. 2. Charlotte had set out to protect these rights before the state overpowered them with this. 3. NBA, USA’s human rights saviors /eyeroll
And am I the only one who thinks their truck design looks like a Stormtrooper helmet????
Unbeknownst to everyone involved the media blackout has been going on since 1997, unless you have ESPN 8 “The Ocho”