“Sugar Crush!”
“Sugar Crush!”
Society needs to get real that blacks commit a hugely disproportionate amount of the violent crime and, for that reason partly or maybe primarily, cops interact with them more and are more fearful during the encounter.
World record holder in the javelin catch.
What got George Zimmerman off the hook was that he presented evidence of Trayvon Martin using deadly force by holding Zimmerman down and banging the back of Zimmerman’s skull into concrete pavement. You can use deadly force in self-defense against those who use deadly force against you. The jury is the trier of fact…
It’s called being a fucking whiny victim.
The number of black men killed by police in 2016 are 146
You couldn’t have timed that collapse better if you tried.
Oh you’ll make lots when people see your totally sick Mitsubishi 3000gt
That would require actually having friends.
“I hope this paints a clearer picture as to why I reacted the way that I did.’”
Oh yeah ... it does do that.
No, no, no.... There are people that claim that by simply having a gun in a household, the occupants are less safe because they have the chance to accidentally shoot themselves. They’ll say the same thing about having guns on a military base, see? It makes the people there less safe because they might all accidentally…
This has to be a troll, no?
Are we still looking for fake outrage?
...because cosplay is relevant to Kotaku and its readers, so labelling her as a cosplayer is...relevant? And she is one? And who cares?