
Is there anything on this planet that’s as cool as an aircraft carrier?

So she has no proof, carries a mattress around for a year for a class thesis, there is proof against what she alleges, then after she is no longer relevant she puts out this video and you still think she was raped? You are a complete brainwashed fool and you’re helping drag this world down. Congratulations.

So you think a good way to get over a rape is to relive it by getting “raped”(with real sex) on camera and putting on the internet. Yea, I am sure that is very “empowering” she must have been very upset by what happened to her. What the fuck is this world becoming?

what happened to her? Read the many texts that she sent to her alleged rapist after the incident.

I usually avoid this site like the plague. But I figure it’s a better place to get answers over this situation. Hopefully I don’t incite a flamewar.

Pretty cool? Wtf is wrong with you, she made a porno. No raped woman would make light of something like this, jesus

She’s defining herself through victimhood. Stewing in it. How is that in any way healthy or helpful?

Yea totally cool that she ruined a man’s life for something he didn’t do. What she did was horrifying and it’s the reason why most women don’t report rape in the first place.

you’re not going to watch the video? I’m going to file a Title IX complaint against you! For Feminism!

An fine argument.

Rods from God has always been one of my favorite weapon ideas

This is like the combat equivalent of posting a video of yourself riding a wheelie then getting a ticket in the mail for reckless driving.

“Tweeting this terror spree was the best idea we’ve ever had.”

I really hate it when self righteous internet warriors start abuse campaigns against the parents of dead children. When you’ve lost a child, you can talk. Otherwise, “there but for the grace of god...” and STFU.

Even with modded models It only look good on screenshots. Hitting someone still feels like you are swinging in the air and watching a corpse slide down a 10 degree slope like a big rubbery doll on a waterslide doesnt immerse very well. There is no cloth physic. No hair physic and no animation blending. You can have

If you can’t see a freakin’ 60-ton tank coming down the road, I doubt you’re going to notice a civilian cop car.

“eliminate all the civilian drivers that might jump in front of the tanks.” This is the only part of your statement I agree with.

The planes in Spain fall mainly on the plain.