
Some people seem to not like what they describe as military fetishism or worship, that weapons of war are shameful and should be hidden. It seems that most of the complainers are Europeans too, who depend on Uncle Sam to do most of the dirty work keeping them safe while they hold their noses.

Actually, when the F-15 was designed, the military thought the Mig-25 was a dogfighter due to its massive control surfaces. It wasn’t until much later, when the F-15 development was well underway that a pilot defected and the military discovered that it was actually a terrible dogfighter and just needed the giant

The sooner people realize that Pierre Sprey isn’t to be parroted and quoted as a god the better. He did only what countless other aeronautical engineers did first.

And cue the trademark Gawker hatred of the only democratic and non discriminatory towards women and homosexuals country in the entire middle east in 3... 2... 1...

Iran’s Retweet.

Ugh the way this Administration glorifies Hood is gross.

And a less majestic view from Timberline Lodge:

Why do the Russians have syllables like “vklyu” ?


God damn it Leroy!

At least I have chicken..

I hope the idiot driver was buckled up...

Putin ‘H'!

T-14? How is this Russia’s best tank? The T-72 is at least (pulls out calculator because he can’t do maths in his head anymore) 58 better.

If, you know, we had them. Which we don’t.

I’d feel bad for Noah, because Jones seems committed to kicking his ass. However, he can easily hide from Cardale by taking refuge in one of Ohio State’s many academic buildings.

Pretty bold for a guy playing in the Eastern Conference.

I posted that KONY video to my Facebook feed. What more do you want from me?