nope, none of this ‘well, if your loot system wasn’t broken people wouldn’t cheat’ nonsense. Cheaters cheat regardless of how ‘unbroken’ a system is. That’s just a weak attempt at blaming the devs for someone else’s actions because “dev = company = ALL COMPANIES ARE BIG AND EVIL ALL THE TIME THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU…
Eurocopter’s brochure video for the BO-105 is even more crazy and retro...
Becasue the balls go to the refs to be checked and then the officals are supposed to adjust the pressure if it is over/under. So really nothing illegal happened here...Which is why their conclusion makes no sense.
The Department of Defense is pulling out all the stops during this year’s Emerald Warrior irregular warfare…
They wear it to make themselves look interesting to those they’re interested in. Which is men, for the most part. And in this case, women. I don’t see any difference. Your story doesn’t hold any water. But I can tell from your rhetoric you’re a raging feminist.
It would be pretty amazing if it was Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum in there.
Watching to much fast and furious !!!
That’s where they went to go attack the giant underwater alien spaceship off O’Ahu......
Assuming you are Canadian, you of course wouldn’t understand the concept of paying for your own defense. :)
4,000 square feet is a fraction of an acre. Seriously, this is a complaint for a post like this?
It’s actually only approximately $4.5 billion. You don’t have a very good concept of scale for how much things cost.
This shot of the USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) exemplifies the idea that nuclear super carriers are really fortresses…
Ok, so you really are seriously confused. You’re just mixing up all kinds of pieces of anti-American political propaganda together and it’s shaking around in your head.
Ok, you’re right! Two security guards was completely sufficient and in no case should any more have been there in case that didn’t work out! Sure, one security guard was shot, and the other singlehandedly took out two body-armor clad, assault rifle wielding attackers with just a handgun, but I’m sure it was all…
You seem to be very confused. You see, it’s the people themselves who have hired ‘this kind of people’. They are free to collectively employ the police forces they deem to be necessary. I haven’t seen much damage or any ‘irony’ caused by armoured trucks, body armour, or camouflage uniforms so far. How exactly does…
First time I ever saw a policeman with a machine gun was in Paris
Neo nazi eh. Drop the hysterical hyperbole ffs.