
Hey...that’s EXALTED flying spaghetti monster! Show some respect.

You sound like one of those fucktards who protests against the police. We NEED people like this to protect our freedom because we have “citizens” in this country who don’t have warm fuzzy feelings about laws(gang members, drug dealers, and other miscreants etc) or Freedom (these terrorists with Islamic State ties). I,

Well if you’re trying to make a fair comparison, it would just be ‘a picture of Jesus'.

Now playing

Would a neo-nazi compare the Quran to Mein Kampf?

so by your logic everyone who disagrees with liberals = neo-nazi?

Awww, you’re ADORABLE!!!

Notice the lack of mainstream media coverage of this. A failed terrorist attack, on US soil, stopped by well armed people, in Texas. I’m glad they had the foresight to post up some security for this event. And they didn’t even get passed the off duty officers with side arms. This is what I’ve said for a long time,

Heretic! I will wage war on you for Raptor Jesus is my savior!

A real goat would've rammed each and everyone of those bastards.

How long before MC Charlie comes to Goat Simulator '15?

They swim well, are relatively small, very sure-footed, and they can coexist with humans seamlessly.

A goat on a navy cruiser? Surely you’re kidding us.

be bewwy bewwy quiet, I am hunting thweats to the wegime!

You’re assuming that Iran believes Obama would both fight back and scuttle the nuclear deal.

Your math is interesting.


Rafale: Cool but Rude

So this will be the most widely used French military product since their white surrender flags.

Somebody’s gonna post that Red October meme any minute now...