
Tactical nukes? I can’t take you seriously if you think that scenario would happen.

Yeah, because no lightly armed insurgency has ever outlasted the US Military. :rolleyes:

It’s because the “protesters” feel entitled to certain things. I wonder what makes them think they are entitled to such things that they haven’t earned.

the looting and violence and fires and people robbing stores downtown wasn’t about Freddie Gray; that was about the feeling that cops are the bad guys”

Why Depth Charge Russian Subs When You Can Entice the Starving Crew to Defect for the Price of a Chicken Kiev?


Got too close to the chemtrails.

He is a cool cat, but the better question is can you lift him?


So, you’re of the belief that a man falsely and very publicly accused of one of the most awful crimes imaginable should just suck it up and take it, and that the school shouldn’t be sanctioned for endorsing a project specifically devoted to celebrating a victim of a crime that didn’t take place?

And you can make the choice to buy or not buy any of these items!

Like a real life adult!

She used a (proven) false claim as her student thesis. She slandered this man’s good name. And libeled him (since much of this was made in the press). At the very least she should be expelled. I believe she should be brought up on formal charges by the D.A. as well. Women like her damage the credibility of real

How are you even allowed to write on this subject after you were exposed to be a petulant child with no ability to reason logically after the UVA hoax?

That’s part of the system. The small jet engine is used to inhale and concentrate the 4G signal. You obviously didn’t read the whole article.

“Chris Rock is a baseball fan.”

MvDonalds president concerned by this negative publicity. Still stands by deliciousness of trademark Big Miv sandwich.

Nonsense! That wasn’t photoshopped at all. I know for a fact that Kim was there, because I climbed the mountain with him! See?