
Yeah, I think I know much more about what it’s like to live there. Not to mention all the other ways I’ve accumulated wide-ranging info on the country.

Now playing

Guys, there are pics and videos of S-300s literally laying against the launcher broken in half after failed soft launches.

Ummm... What you call "Fearless" in Russia, the rest of the world calls Stupidity.

When you live in a country as horrible as Russia, death doesn’t seem so bad I guess.

Well, a civilian jet wasn’t shot down, so this isn’t a normal day.

No that's chewbacca, this is Harry :

Holy shit I'm rolling. Poor Russians :(


You would think if you're banging middle school boys for money, you'd never have to mow your own lawn.

I think Russia is a shitty country with a Napolean Complex. Hey Putin...get it through your head. Your country blows.

Dude is a run-of-the-mill delusional anti-Isreali troll. Ignore and move one.

The Dollar Store plastic patio set screams First World Arms Deal.

Single gear in the transmission, too.

Why scrap it? This would make the ultimate hipster commune. Lots of deck area for farming, lots of space below to make art in, and it's a nuclear-powered weapon of war (for irony). Plus, it'll get the hipsters offshore, and we can torpedo the SOB anytime.

If you actually believe that then you are part of the problem, how about you start looking at the facts? like the fact that among all the races living in this country roughly half of violent crimes are committed by African Americans, so of course your going to see more media confrontations with cops vs blacks because