
“If we are truly transitioning into a “post-fact” world, the only real weapon the good guys have is the truth.”

“but the right has decided that facts no longer matter, so why not say”

Please do. And please keep it up for four years - so we can have 8 years of Trump, you dumb fucking children. LMAO

Um, he had a supermajority.

LOL. These people are literally the reason Trump got elected.

Did she promise Putin that she’d have “more flexibility” after her election? Oh wait, that was Obama! LMAO

You realize this literally is the same as the “emailz” you’re complaining about right?

“This was not something that was done by chance.”

LMAO looks like we found the bitch who “started trembling”

The cops googled “mustang top speed” - and the very first result is in BOLD: 207.9mph

“The Pence administration appears to be working to set a new precedent, one where they get to decide what the public sees and whatever way they feel like interpreting open records laws.”

You should take an 8th grade civics class.

Yeah - because that’s what America needs. More brain dead leftists teaching children their god given right to be ignorant and uninformed. It’s worked great for the last few decades, eh?

I hope you know that this disgusting misinformation is what got Trump elected in the first place.

“The man is openly hostile towards women, immigrants, people of color, and, to a lesser extent, LGBT folks”

I like that you delusional lefties have somehow convinced yourself that having a wall on the southern border of our country is “racist”.

If only we had elected a President who trades money for favors with countries who kill women for “crimes” like....adultery.

One candidate (accurately) says that women will gladly let you grab them by the pussy if you’re rich and famous.

I hope during all of that blaming, you look square in the mirror and realize that you, the rest of the scum at Gawker, the rest of the “media”, and the perpetually outraged children you pander to - are the reason for this.

I know right? Hillary actually almost won!