
Watching all the Gawksuckers melt down is the greatest part of this entire election.

The liberal tears are so, so sweet.

So when does he start at Gawker?

You mean a dogshit liberal rag fabricated stories to misinform its dumbfuck liberal readers? Well I NEVER!

“There is inequality everywhere.”

What? This has nothing to do with the White House.

That you could read this story in the context of Hillary and Huma’s unbelievable incompetence - and convince yourself it’s a reminder of why we need more women in power - is breathtaking. 

“It’s great to see people speaking out passionately for social justice.”

“And sure, this shouldn’t have happened, but I still fail to see how it’s Hillary’s fault,”

Really? What exactly is the other side doing that is even on the same level, let alone “a thousand times worse.”

Trainer can take a punch.

“The offense went from a first-and-10 situation with a gain”

Because it’s not wrong. It’s hilarious.

Isn’t the real irony that a liberal is actually reporting on vote fraud?

Important question: How can we blame this on Republicans?

Alternate headline - oblivious women have sex with ugly scammer, get embarrassed, claim rape.

Trump is being played by the Russians? So he’s the one who handed over that Reset button, huh?

“These emails aren’t from her server, according to AP.”

“The emails were not from Hillary, not from her server,”

“his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance”