
Is there some reason why the cover photo uses a flat chested woman?

“I’m not understanding why he’s latched onto the “Women are certainly raped, but not nearly as much as they say they are” bandwagon.”

“It’s about how white racism dismissed black beauty.”

“...it’s still problematic.”

“It’s been tough the past couple of days to see all the coverage showing Bernie supporters as violent maniacs.”

“The DoD isn’t saying it’s shit, you are.”

Which is why you’ll continue to spew uninformed garbage.

“You: anyone who agrees with this thing the DoD said is an uninformed child.”

“How bad are their Systems Engineers to fumble this badly this far into the project?”

“Yes, let me go over to the JSF’s .mil website, that’s going to be some good, unbiased information! Starred for shitty use of ‘child’ and the sketchiness of your link.”

“THE PLANES DON’T FLY. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and the report that THE PLANES DON’T FLY comes from the DoD, not Fortune.”

“Actually, 100% of what I said is true,”

“If the F-35 is better, it ought to be. It cost way too much.”

“It doesn’t fly.”

“the jet’s continuously rising cost”

The sky fortress idea was genius.

“but what is not acceptable is that neither police or the government knew about this”

Who is “we”? The federal government knew about it.

The 45 minutes is no doubt real. The dumbass asking what the rear end is in now is no doubt real. Everything else inbetween sounded like bullshit.

I found their hive outside the Moda center on Saturday.