
So now quoting somebody verbatim is quoting someone “poorly”? Wow. This is why I love deadspin. I don’t know where else I could find this kind of dipshit liberal hot take.

I don’t care whether a mythical creature told him to do it or not, it’s still fucking funny.

“330 square miles”

His name is Sadiq? Yeah....sure he has no experience with sliding sideways at highway speeds.......*COUGH*hagwalah*COUGH*

LOL. Because that makes her less of an angry homely dyke nowadays?

This is so fucked up.

“people despise the media more than they have ever despised the media”

Ok, but which guy writes the line “My back is all fucked up. I need some meds BAD”

So an online lynch mob is not bullying? You might want to read back through every article ever posted on Jezebel. LMAO

“Dude, it’s 1000hp combined!! meaning 4- 250hp jets carrying him.”

“Being right there with a head, two eyes that can see where good guys and bad guys are in real time matters.”

“But the whole point of having F-22s is ensuring that you don’t have a contested environment in the first place.”

“The A-10 was built because the attack helicopters were inadequate. How have they changed?”

“and not get hit with this tidal wave of diarrhea.”

“No their opinion is that athletes should be compensated”

Cher is so good collectivizing the brain power of the American left in 140 character bursts.

“We did nothing after that. We will pay for a good story (email us!), but a college kid smoking weed is not a story at all. “

“So their measurement of the Chinook was inaccurate?”

“Depends on the type of engineering. Bioscience and chemical engineering uses metric a lot, especially volume. “

LOL. The best I can guess is that he accidentally scaled the fuselage to the full rotor tip-to-tip lengthwise direction. So now he’s got a Chinook that’s bigger than a C-17, instead of a Chinook that can fit in a C-17.