
“Sadly the automotive community always seems to think it knows what is best and this discourages creativity”

At first, I was ready to condemn this whole scene, like wth is this ridiculous thing and all these pop culture babies doing? Then I watched and realized, hey they seem to be having fun despite their problems, they enjoy making different and weird things and it keeps them busy and out of trouble. So you guys have fun

It looks like what happens when Lightning McQueen had a derpy son with Mia or Tia.

Go chill at the Holiday Inn?

He probably just has to repair the welds on his intake manifold.

When I used to do internet sales I would hey quote requests all the time, from people who already bought elsewhere but we’re trying to make sure they got a “good deal”. Needless to say, I’d send them an impossibly low number to make them feel bad, and thank them for wasting my time.

god damn it, this just makes me want to be a manager. But i really don’t want to tuck in my shirt.

Frankly, if it lowers my property value, GOOD! Lower taxes for me.

The third pic down. $15,8000 and that’s the picture they went with.

Thank god it’s your opinion. I can feel the pretentiousness oozing out of your keyboard from where I’m sitting. That horse you’re sitting on is to high for your own good. The car looks good to me. MUCH better than the original. To my eyes, the original is ugly as home made sin.

Somehow, I don’t believe you, at all, that you put a deposit down and then retracted it because of a single car death. I’m calling bullshit all day on this one.

They have to resalt the edge of the pool after every event.

She blamed Teslas Autopilot

Field hockey ban... that must have hurt.

105K miles on my E39 M5 and not one issue outside regular maintenance and a few minor leaks. Right now I’m almost done putting in a new water pump (slight leak), thermostat, and temp sensor (throwing a code)

Unrelated: I keep asking my wife to wear a shirt like this on Halloween. She’s punched me in the dick twice on 8 attempts.

Really? At 105k miles the only thing my Dad’s 2005 Ford Taurus needed was new plugs and wires.

Your BMW is less reliable than a POS Taurus. Let that sink in a bit.

Yes, for an exotic car like a Ferrari or a Lambo you’ll need dealer service records to maintain resale value. For a bottom of the barrel depreciation-mobile like a Bentley it doesn’t really matter where you service it.

You don't have a door? Lazy bastards should have just put it inside

I agree with you on disc brakes. But on drums...I wish I could get back the hours I have spent getting them set up correctly, and looking for springs that seemed to fly way farther than should be possible. Still do my own work though.