
Sentra didn’t have a performance variant?

Totaled, riced out, what’s the difference?

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! It’s a BMW thing and it’s annoying. (Coming from an E36 M3 and E46 M3 owner)

Musk for President?

What is this? I mean it’s a Galant but what?

Fear of The Washing Fusion finale?

You’ve never been in a Mini, they have plenty of headroom.

Not true at all, infact I have 2 of them.

Alot of people want these stock Chevy wheels, they fit on a lot of different vehicles other than the ones they came off of.

Go to your local Craigslist and see how many good deals you can find on an Infinity. They usually have them for quite awhile and are willing to come off the price since for some reason the phone isn’t ringing off the hook now matter how far they drop the price...

I just read that article and it said at the end that Panther says it’s permanent but he also wants to extend his driveway to park the trailer. Which is it?

You forgot the liquor store.

I’m not 100 percent sure but I think I just got called a piece of shit by someone named dyrtdawwwg, you do see the irony in that right? You might know a lot of Subaru owners but I see at least 30 a day 5 days a week so I have a pretty good assessment of the product and what is going on with it. Anyway, 1000.00 a month

You obviously do not know any die hard Subaru owners, I work for Subaru and trust me there are lots of people that do this. 10 thousand for a short block, cams, and a turbo on a car with 90k on it. Head gaskets to the tune of 3-4k at less than 100k miles. Transmissions that fail with 80k on the car at 8k. Subaru

Must have been awhile since you have been on there, then again it has been awhile since I have been on there, but ever since that Slameed thread they had got out of control I stopped going. The bickering of who could not fit over a quarter got old.

Miata front turn signals?

Or married men. Kind of bad if your wife would catch you on Tinder, babe it’s just like a strip club...

You are my hero, if you are ever in New Orleans we are going to get beers.

I would guess Bentley charges ALOT more than 100 an hour for labor considering here at Subaru we charge 125.