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    You're seriously calling the company that basically wrote the template for the modern smartphone, something that in its exact current state never existed as such a device before the debut of the iPhone, as not innovative just because some disparate features are similar to another, even going as far as some nebulous

    From reading the comments section on that site, I am very hesitant to believe this poll was participated in by mostly average people. Much of it are definite hobbyists and tech readers, far from the average person.

    I mostly (like 99%) agree with you but with the exception that there will always be people who will be hobbyists. I'm not so sure it'll be dying exactly.. you're right that most people will just expect things to work and so they can get to the point of using the device in the first place, but the nerdy kid who

    I admire your unwavering allegiance to Android but you were very wrong about 4S and its sales. In addition, the openness of it means little to consumers since the carriers and manufacturers do what they please with it when it finally gets to your hands. People want stuff that is easy to use and looks great. If

    Why so upset over this? No need to be emotional. There definitely are reasons that X size works and Y size doesn't, least of which is keeping app development consistent as well as usability. Apple for sure cares about design & usability, it's what they put a lot of energy into making sure they get right as much as

    Anyone who said it was perfect is truly misleading you. There is no "perfect" size, there is a generally appropriate size range, perhaps. Who's to say 3.4 or 3.6 isn't better or worse? But something more drastic like 5.5, for example, would be generally too large for an average person as a single-handheld device.

    It's really petty. They have to justify their choice by tearing down others. If it's that much better, you don't need to go around doing that. You should be comfortable with your choice just by yourself with no need to proactively prove it to anyone else. In addition to respecting others in the process,

    What does "full desk" mean? I don't know any jargon whatsoever. And you say 95% of recruiters are worthless so you're saying you're in the 5%? I'm still not clear, what makes that 5% better? You get paid by the company who is looking to hire, correct? What commission rates per head do you get? And does it change

    It's not just status symbol, it's enjoying the phone because it's a good phone for many many people. A product that relies solely on hype and marketing alone will fail. Given how much success Apple has had in quality products and customer satisfaction and how long they've been able to keep this success, it's more

    Can you elaborate? So you're a tech recruiter basically? And can you clarify your salary - do you mean you "make much [more] than 90% of" your recruited developers?

    Could run doesn't mean it'll run well. I think you disregard the user experience requirements to look at specs only, which a lot of people mistake. And no it's not your own personal opinion as a standard. Whether something runs as smoothly as it should is something Apple invests a lot of time in.

    I guarantee you these will be more annoying than people think. When we use our phones, even addictively, we are actively choosing to look, interact and immerse ourselves in our screens as one primary field of view and our brain is processing this as one activity. But these things will be constantly on, feeding

    You can if you want pageviews!

    You must be new, happens almost on a daily basis

    This is the experience the overwhelming majority of users will have. The articles here are all leeching onto anything remotely critical. If I recall correctly, the charging issue is if you're overloading your iPad's CPU with tons and tons of downloading, installing, using lots and lots of apps, and media playing

    That is priceless humor, thank you! And the graphic is nicely designed, top notch!

    That doesn't really impress.. smaller battery charges faster. Although Sony had some kind of battery tech in their players (I think it was mini-disc or mp3 player) that had really long battery life and had some kind of thing they marketed as charging to 90% in an hour or something. Don't quote me on that specific

    No but they did check to make sure it wasn't because of bad jokes.

    What's the big deal about that?

    Reason: This isn't fragmentation. It's older hardware.