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    It would have if the author was totally misinformed and going by your entirely wrong definition of what fragmentation is. Thankfully that isn't the case.

    Not only way overboard and inaccurate but entirely unrelated/off-topic to this whole article.

    I think one hypothesis as to why it's not on the iPad is because Siri absolutely requires a data connection to work. The iPhone is required to have a data connection at all times, Siri will (presumably) always work. Whereas on the iPad or even the iPod touch, data connection is a toss up if you have the wifi-only or

    I mean top left

    That's about the only complaint I would have too but that hardly makes the UI bland. Adding something in the notification center or tapping on the top right would be all that it would need.

    But on a touch device, it may be a different story. Using a mouse and keyboard here may be unintuitive but when that paradigm changes, it may improve things.

    It's not that it's just simply 'different' as to why it's meant for tablets, Metro itself is suited for touch. That's just the way it is designed. Now it's being touted as a feature while using a desktop, entirely replacing the start menu. Having a desktop mode isn't the point either, it just offers not much more

    What he described is still the way it works though. No explicit start button and the way it's now done has Metro UI completely replacing it.

    Which is exactly why OS X is the way it is rather than pasting full iOS on top of it and calling it a day.

    You don't like Metro but why? Not even on a touch-device?

    I am intrigued by Metro on a phone or tablet but Windows 8 as a whole with a tacked on Metro skin on a traditional desktop interface (keyboard/mouse) that is out of context and makes no sense on a non-touch device and then the traditional Windows UI beneath it that offers not much more than Windows 7 totally feels

    If Apple had done this? You mean something like replacing OS X with iOS like MS has done by replacing normal Windows UI with Metro? No way. People would call it lazy and weird. We might as well call it that here too. I know you can switch back to normal Win UI but then that shows there isn't a whole lot going on

    Companies? For profit? No shit? You seem to be the type of commenter troll that takes sides thinking that side is your friend. None are. Understand that what you're trying to use as a semblance of an argument about using patents like slide unlock shows a lack of understanding. When you're embroiled in a court

    Don't forget they actually did sell the mark to Apple and at the same time are now saying Apple has no claim on the name.. they want to make the money they got from selling and also sue to get more money saying Apple has no right

    Not to mention that Proview wouldn't even been "inspired" to have this iPad name without Apple to begin with

    What in the hell are you ranting about? Macs do all that, third-party products can as well. Same for Windows. I don't want to shatter your world view but there are businesses that run on Apple platforms. Not to mention you can run Windows on a Mac just fine, if not better, IF you really wanted to - but you don't

    You delete 100 messages? Tapping them one by one at a time to select for deletion?

    So iOS one is all over? No chance to do it there? What if I were to install this app on someone else's Android device and sign up as myself and then uninstall it, and then log into it on an iOS device - do I get 50gb on the iOS device then? And would it be possible to do it in an in-store Android demo device

    It's free.

    You just explicitly stated that the "discussion is dead" since he owns an iPhone, implying that he can't be impartial if he owns one. Two things: You then say you actually own two yourself. And even more ridiculous, you are clearly biased to begin with but just on the other side so you are the farthest from