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    What if your hands involuntarily shake when you hold them out and try to stay still? Is this RSI or Carpal or something else?

    This is nice and all but Google needs to write a REAL app. Isn't this just a webkit UI View? The Google Voice app needs some major work too but in other areas. If this is what we will expect from a future app store Google Maps app then there's more frustration to be had.

    If you're implying Apple will do this in terms of the headphone, they won't. Especially considering the renderings based on leaked hardware.

    Google maps has its own mistakes, just search for "google maps mistakes" or something. Bing Maps has its own as well, just look at this (from a Facebook page where I clicked on the map to show larger, circled the obvious error):

    What in the unfounded claim are you talking about?

    I love how rather than dispute what he says, you will ignore it and keep railroading on your original incorrect thinking of what fragmentation is.

    They don't, he's just trolling. What I expect is a regular refresh for the 17" with the debut of a new 15" that's thinner/optical driveless, with the new design to follow for the 17" eventually.

    Why bother asking that? No one knows until later today. Funny how these blogs have trained us to feed on rumors or editorial opinion as if they're fact or even comfortably reliable.

    If you're putting them down wholesale, pretty much.

    lol where did anyone say apple "invented" notifications and others copied it? wtf kind of shit is that you're saying?

    I'm afraid you missed my point entirely and answered me nonsensically as a result (basically explaining my own point to me, we both agree on that actually but that isn't the real point of my original question). Not a knock against you, just you seem to have misunderstood or didn't read through.

    Point proven

    Better than The Professional? Wow

    I think one of the main reasons it's there in Lion is consistency between platforms. Bringing a lot of the same design concepts from iOS to OS X. It may not always fit (obviously) but the principles of consistency seems to win.

    "Thats sad."

    That's not what we were talking about, we were just referencing his thoughts on UI for OS. As for decorations instead of information - that's misleading. Actively choosing decoration *instead/in place of* information is bad. But using "decoration" (more like design/style) for purposes beyond that and is unintrusive

    You're certainly living up to your username.

    I'm not clear if you're trying to counter me because I can't tell; I agree with your point. But I also don't exactly know why you picked rolodex as proof if you admittedly don't know where that's done. Hypercard is pretty old so it might have made more sense back then either in UI or metaphorically.

    Exactly, and I actually don't even think they've gone particularly overboard with it. It's a chosen standard design theme - it's supposed to be in many places, why would it not be there? The only place where I can think of that it may be a bit peculiar is the Find my Friends app. But even then it's forgiven because