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    LOL humans grow up using their fingers too, they were born with them. Pens and pencils aren't necessary if the finger does most of what you need. Yes, there is certainly utility to it but for most things, multitouch (thanks to the iPhone itself as the first real viable consumer touch device) does it.

    A stylus isn't bad "intrinsically" but for 99% of people out there, it's useless. Yes, you can do these neato things like drawing a lasso on a map or some such but you don't really need to and for most tasks, it's not of use when we're now in a multitouch finger interface "era" of sorts. A stylus becomes unnecessary

    Again, look at that article and the commenters who prove it wrong. Even if you didn't get it from that article, you share the same wrong thinking. So any competition is good even when it's conceivably stolen or copied? How bout you sell a product and then I copy you and sell it for less since I saved so much R&D,

    I guess you're the same type who label Obama or Bush as Hitler

    Wasn't it recently reported that worker salaries are going to go up 20% or something?

    Just a tour but one where they had seemingly unfettered access to the actual workers themselves and at least most of the facilities. What else would you expect, a detailed TV-broadcast step-by-step audit? It's typical TV news magazine format, digestible for the the masses. Out of all the thousands and thousands of

    Things can change in the final build, it happened with Lion and other versions. ESPECIALLY things like this and wording. I know there are articles out there comparing developer builds of Lion or Leopard and their final versions.

    Is that your default comment for every Apple article?

    "the personal computer are designed to work exactly the opposite of what you describe"

    Is the obvious that invisible to you? This article leaps to conclusions and intentionally creates controversy out of a developer preview build that isn't finely tuned at all, let alone knows what Adium is (especially considering the certification concept which Gatekeeper is looking for and obviously no app has one

    The fact that you consider a consumer electronics device company an enemy is too much.

    There was a post once on Gizmodo which called Apple patent trolls when it was the farthest thing from the truth, and commenters put the writer in his place for it. So I give you exhibit A of an actual patent/trademark troll - Proview. Funny that they wouldn't even have the iPad name if they weren't "inspired" (I use

    Did you even bother to read the rest of the comments here? I guess they're all just joking then. Hard to tell.

    You contradicted yourself, weird. If every current Android device were on 4.0 then yea, they're not fragmented. What's your point? Because every current Mac runs Lion, therefore not fragmented. This situation is just dropping support for older hardware, that's expected. It's legacy. But for Android, even current

    It's *old* hardware. That's the difference. Old hardware can't run new stuff, that's fairly expected. It's not fragmentation, it's legacy. When current hardware can't run current software/OS or older versions or just different versions altogether running on various multiple devices then that's fragmentation.

    lol @ 'someone had to' - no one had to. If you had to, at least define it correctly as this actually isn't it.

    You shouldn't have blurted anything. This is called legacy, old hardware can't run new stuff. Fragmentation is when current hardware can't run current stuff, usually where there are a number of devices that run different versions of software/OS even though the devices are current. Why are there so many people who

    Not. The. Same. Thing.

    Exactly - Why does this need to keep being explained to the same people who keep asking the question/trolling about it? It's ridiculous. No, Apple didn't invent it - that's not even necessary. They made it fucking awesome. That's why people say it's fucking awesome. End.

    Yea, Apple should've never pushed for HTML5, Flash is clearly better