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    Did you get your star from making bad jokes like that?

    Your last sentence reeks of bias and hate - um, yes, their product sales "roared" due to their product portfolio. No shit. You found something to disparage about that, huh? Your Nostrodamus-like prognostication is also off considering you have no specific idea, nor does anyone else, about their future roadmap.

    And where is the reasoning that they *are* overvalued? I don't see any. Just opinion that they aren't "as big or important as they want to be." Just look around. The truth of the matter is that the iPad has virtually no viable competition, the new iPhone (despite the hate around here) has had record sales vs

    Wow. Owned, I guess. Sorry Derbeste but bieber is right - it's not ironic. Maybe if the gay man is the head of a gay porn site/mag or something and he starts censoring all the penis, that might be ironic? But no, the way it's stated here by you is not ironic...

    It's absolutely NOT trolling. Don't believe every word on this site, especially when they're opinion pieces. You're probably getting that from a prior Gizmodo article saying this very thing — look at the comments on that one, some of them put the writer in his place.

    I think you're confusing something. Using this as *one* piece in a legal document full of pieces is hardly enough to quibble over. It's like if you're wearing a shirt that looks almost exactly like mine. I say, "Hey, you're wearing a red shirt with a reindeer on it with the reindeer wearing sunglasses." Ugly shirt

    Prior art? I guess a child in Kindergarten can claim originality as long as it looks like it.

    So Apple basically creates the template for the modern smartphone and tablet where no company would dare do it differently and more or less ape them to some degree if not a large degree. Instead of doing something about this, Apple should let those competitors "copy" them and profit from it, and just go back to the

    Even worse, this written and posted by the Editor-in-Chief.

    Yes, I'll join. I'll buy non-Apple from now on because other companies don't make their products at Foxconn and other companies don't have fans and no one likes their products so I'll be unique and cool, err, I mean sticking it to the man or something.

    How about a disclaimer that this site is founded/run by a former Gizmodo staff member?

    Vote with my wallet by buying a dumb phone and having to tether it to a second device to carry around but only using wifi where available? I'm not sure I get it. Are you saying that's one option, and a second option is to buy non-smartphone data plan for $10/month? I've never even heard of that. Is that basically

    How much have you made so far? And what was your investment?

    Then what's the excuse for Microsoft getting all those Android royalties? Where are their killer flagship phones (Lumia is pretty mediocre for the most part, especially since the N9 came first)? Furthermore, what's the excuse of Motorola (Google) and other companies suing Apple, some initiating the suits themselves?

    Thank you, this is nothing different than any company would do in their place. Furthermore, there is a lot more that others have pointed out as obvious deficiencies in understanding within the article on what really constitutes "patent trolling", which this isn't.

    So what you're saying is competitors copying you, either largely or at all, is totally ok because you should just keep "innovating" and then inevitably those competitors will copy those innovations too and then that's ok as well, so just keep innovating and... yea, that's kinda not so great.

    Same can be said on both "sides"

    And then you actually fail to understand the rest of (or more like beginning of) his point. He said to get the hell out of Google if it annoys you that much. So in your crappy analogy, the response is, "No, I'm getting the hell out of here."

    Stop this petty nonsense. They are good solid products. Designed well and made so they're nice to use. End of story.

    And iOS sells more than Android. You really want to be this trivial?