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    Show me a decent variety of Android phones at 3.5" screen size that have the same offerings as the Galaxy Nexus.

    Actually it's even simpler than that, and no need to read documentation or instruction manuals to understand it. It's marketing, specs. Bigger number = Better. That's all.

    I don't think so. Google and FB are too connected on a much grander scale to the media industry, politicians, etc. Not to mention they like money and make even more of it than the "lesser" companies and have more to lose in regards to people relying on them for business.

    The article written here makes it sound like Rubio was at least partially directly responsible for PIPA ("birthed in part from Rubio"). Is that not so?

    Isn't it obvious? Marketing. Specs. It's a race to make it "go to eleven". It's not about quality or giving the user something usable or great. A bigger number is a selling point. I'm sure phone salesmen are saying how much better an HTB Galaxy Resoundr XII G5000 is than an iPhone because it has a 5-inch 3D

    I don't get the whole widgets thing, they're just clutter.

    I hardly call that "figuring it out." The context used here is that it's a device that you put in some time and energy into customization and under-the-surface kind of stuff. What you said your mom did was pretty simple - open the Marketplace app. Just like you would on an iPhone, opening the App Store. Yes,

    Have always heard the opposite from people regarding the switch, that it's a lot smoother and cooler to use. Also, the integration may be better but it's not like you *have* to use an iPhone with a Macbook. But integration-wise, an official client (iTunes) is better than basically nothing (official that is) on the

    Why so petty?

    Then your beef is with the patent office, not with Apple and that applies to every company as well since they all hold and use patents this way. They're like bullets for a gun, you don't go shooting everyone you see with them, you use them when you need them to defend yourself.

    Take a look at Android before and after the iPhone came out. It used to be a Blackberry clone and then became an iPhone clone.

    You bought the cases from a manufacturer and had no part in designing it. But sure, post pics, let's see what they look like.

    Likely all while the kids are screaming for iPads and the dad himself favors it? Tougher to say.

    Not yet, but only because time has not told. We'll be coming into rumor season in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, the iPhone has had more generations behind of it, meaning people are more used to it, have seen it around the block a few times. They, by human nature, have a sense of wanting to see something different

    Ha, that is true actually. The haters who complain about specs love to hate on the 4S pretty much due to the way it looks. Funny how the way things look matter, whether as much as or more or less than its specs.

    You're very very very ill-informed. The reason was not that they didn't have the phones (wtf?), there were scalpers in the crowd, way too many.

    I highly doubt he dies. No way would that sit well with basically anybody. And the backlash would be horrible.

    Why don't you use FB?

    You don't necessarily need to have or maintain any cyber relationships though. It's like a contact book, you don't need to contact everyone on it, just have them saved so you can keep in touch if need be.

    Frankly, it's not very funny or even funny at all. It's not only just an in-joke among colleagues (that they seem to be awkwardly pedaling to us - "meme this!" ...yea ok) but it's to promote Sam into celebrity. One post might have been forgivable but it's already more than enough.