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    Can you post the capture?

    Except there really is no competitor to FB... not really anyway. Is there?

    Couldn't agree more. Their reasoning for it is bullshit and simply makes no sense. How is his reason acceptable whatsoever, even a little bit?

    What's the Third Rock reference about if these discovered exoplanets aren't even habitable?

    What are you talking about?

    What's the best service, in your opinion?

    "Gawker gets a lot of views." If I know Gawker, that's exactly why they won't do it.

    More like MS fucked up by not innovating, resulting in users like this guy moving someplace else. Time will tell if MS is able to keep this up and if Apple keeps their game up too, but I certainly don't think I fucked up by going someplace better and continuing to enjoy it. But if Apple pulls a Microsoft and sets in

    Because it's a bolted-on layer over regular ol' Windows. There's nothing different about *Windows* itself. Metro is new and slick, sure. But Windows 8 is just Windows 7. Slap Metro on Windows 7 like a jacket, without actually really changing Windows itself much, and suddenly it's Windows 8? And for any haters,

    Feel the same way. Metro is like a bolted-on layer on top of Windows 7 or something. That regular ol' Windows UI is still there and you'll likely use it for most of your work, with Metro just being a nice-to-have. Whereas with OS X Lion, it's kind of an amalgamated experience with the best parts of iOS melded with

    It's different enough, especially visually, but I see nothing terribly terribly emphatically different about it in terms of core basic UX in the sense that it's "so much more enjoyable and productive" vs iOS.

    Sure, he'll have to BM him.

    @ cygni Please don't say "This." It's terrible.

    Funny cause it's true?

    Actually, they did have badges.

    It's funny because Giz just published an article about trolling and the title is basically trolling, but for pageviews.

    He kinda looks like that guy from Office Space

    What shoe-horn? It's highly appropriate. Steve was a main attraction at Apple events, of course they'll address him. Sounds like you're just bitter.

    No but it makes for a good headline

    Or CEOs and execs could get paid less