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    This plant makes Xboxes, they're directly related to MS that way. I'm not so sure past Foxconn articles about suicides were as directly related to Apple though, but just wanted to get the spotlight due to Apple's name.

    It's a good thing he's dead?

    I think you're letting this get too personal. It's not about what you like, which devices or OSes you personally like over another. It's simply objective. Android has done quite a few things that have encroached upon the UI concepts and design of iOS, with Samsung encroaching on trade dress terms.

    From a trade dress and UI conceptual perspective, they did.

    The writer(s) doesn't care because saying so is sensational, which incites the desired response. Articles like these, written in this way, are typical around here.

    That's fucked up though. You did something innovative - Yes, that is a big fuckin deal. You get all the accolades, the rewards. Someone copies you? They're the dicks. Not you for protecting yourself. They don't deserve the rewards and riding your coattails. They deserve to be shamed for it, not you for

    And there *is* diversity. It isn't like you only have a choice between iPhone and Android. Furthermore, Apple has a case and if they are right and their own invention/innovation has been encroached upon, they deserve to protect it.

    You're not and you know.

    Like Samsung would even do that much for anyone

    movie hasn't even come out yet, how would you know that

    Why don't you use it?

    I'll bet you anything that most people don't know, or at least don't realize when they're uploading stuff to FB. Along with better privacy, this issue of FB owning and keeping everything, even if you explicitly delete things, is unacceptable. Wonder why this isn't addressed by more privacy advocates.

    "Apple knocked off Android to build Siri"

    Actually, you can. It's not like they bought it and just included it as is. They designed and developed it in-house after buying it, implemented it into iOS as a brand new experience as an integrated feature. Lots of companies buy other companies and create things that way, they own it. Microsoft, Google, etc. all

    Your droid had this out of the box and was integrated just as well with leading natural speech recognition tech?

    Which is still a ton more helpful than manually entering alarms. Not to mention the spare times it can be useful. Otherwise, I more or less agree with the sentiment.

    There's 100% nothing "wrong" with it. In fact, it's better. With iOS, you get a view of four apps at a time in the tray whereas something like webOS or WP7 allows only one at a time and lots of swiping to see more. Preview windows are nice but why would I want to see a preview window if I already have the app I

    That's because "closing" an app isn't necessary when the app is simply frozen in memory, unless of course you have something streaming or whatnot (in that case, if you wanted it closed, why are you streaming/downloading/etc from it?). There's also an extra layer of administrative crud that average users aren't likely

    They're frozen, nothing is running unless you have something streaming or whatnot.

    Why is that dated?