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    Google is using your voice and words to analyze them, so they're getting something out of it.

    You've never seen a Jobs keynote presentation before?

    None of that is true but I know it's scary to think of the dystopian extremes. Everyone is free to innovate on their own without almost directly riding coattails but that doesn't seem to happen too often.

    Looks more like any generic Android phone (row of buttons on bottom). Replace "Prada" with "Samsung" or "LG" on the top and there you have it.

    Porting Android apps. This seems to be the savior for the platform, huh? Worked for Blackberry. Or not. Reminds me of how supporting Flash was the savior for various platforms. Worked for everyone else. Or not.

    "it will never die" doesn't mean it will succeed. It will likely languish, and for all the reasons tande04 explained. For it to find *any* kind of success, someone needs to own it and own it hard. But you and I know its track record speaks for itself. Also find it funny you describe it in such dramatically heroic

    They did lead with innovation, leading the entire industry, really. And then their competitors copied their trade dress, etc. So they fought against it. This development seems outside of that scope.

    Don't worry, it'll switch up again, depending on traffic statistics.

    I think it's one pill now, can someone verify?

    But when you're already trying to sound snarky and hip by using the reference, it comes across as totally lame when you're wrong about the name

    I think it was invite only

    Did you just figure this out now? :) Google has always had this mantra

    So can a phone, a tablet, a computer, etc. Why do you discount the design of technology but then say that a chair or house can have distinguishing features but not a phone or tablet? What if you pare down a chair to what you call its most simplest form? Is that not a design then? That's "just a chair"? Again, I

    They better, the case is being outlined and guided by lawyers and those who are arguing for their sides. Whoever is judging ought to be scrutinizing the details and finer points, that's what it's for.

    Any feature that relies on human interaction in such nuanced and practically infinite ways will *always* be in "beta". In other words, it's virtually impossible not to fuck up. Machines trying to be human - automatically screwed in some way. That should really be an obvious known factor. So such expectation is

    How was iOS 5 a headache? Been fine for me. I do echo a few of your sentiments but sounds like you're way more disappointed than I am. The things that I lament are pretty minor, or at least they are for what other people might think. I've personally come to the conclusion that the 4S is a disappointment solely

    To be fair, a simple article written to warn users about a hack was instead heavily laced with spite. When you say spiteful things, expect feedback.

    By your logic, everything is a novelty. Multitouch? Who cares, it's just touch screen with more fingers. Accelerometer? Who cares, it just changes orientation, you could do the same with a button or anything else.

    I'm not sure I understand. Your support waned and you said it was his answers to questions that did it. But then you say a pres. candidate doesn't need to know everything, excusing that lack of knowledge in his question answering. Sounds contradictory?

    Amazing! So when will Woz be there? At the 7pm party or before that during open gallery hours?