bellaluna, rebel warrior

The Associated Press reported Saturday morning that these restrictions on transcripts and memos from conversations with Putin and the Saudis “was not an attempt to conceal improper discussions but rather keep distribution about the substance of the calls to a minimum in light of the leaked transcripts from the summer

Yes, and Germany is not innocent in any of that either. (Dear god, the number of trolls responding to my post trying to tell me about Mooslim crime and “no go zones” in Europe is a little astounding, like I poked an anthill of bored Limbaugh acolytes. Yuck, Splinter: get a better class of troll.)

And continues to play by stopping prior foreign funding, which leads to even more destabilization that these poor people are fleeing.

I'm on the judges panel for the Little Miss Fucknuts pageant

Where is the Russian oligarch secret slush branch?

You might say it is

Is this a furry thing?

Oh, c’mon Richard, everybody knows sea otters f*ck like a beast.

Uh... Like sea otters?

Fucknutsville has a very happening downtown these days

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn’t I get that day over and over and over?

Oh you. You managed to say absolutely nothing in your comment nor address any topics just a general platitude. What do you consider the point of what you said? 

Whatabout whatabout whatabout whatabout ....

Trump has been committing impeachable offenses since before he was even elected. 

A classic for people in the know from Michigan:

Politico: Here’s useless gossip to fuel the 24-hour churn cycle!!!!!

30 minutes from nuts to bum? Taint possible.

Dammit, I have to agree with Rahm Emmanuel. Fucknutsville is really a perfect encapsulation of it all. And the prim Mr. Harris did craft a truly beautiful headline from it.

Only 30 minutes drive from Bumfuck!