Watching a right wing troll trying to mimic a liberal is like watching a dog trying to finger paint, only nowhere near as cute.
You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
Yeah anyone calling them centrist doesn’t listen to them and is just pretending that it’s still 2011 and they all still work for Obama. I don’t listen religiously but I catch enough of it. While they have some tendencies to be overly defensive about Obama, they have been going hard in the paint for removing the…
Splinter: Pelosi, do something!
I was thinking more along the lines of “Never be afraid to soar to new heights (of stupidity!)”
“We need to take responsibility for this and vote next November and show that we have a certain set of values and we insist that our leaders reflect those values,”
No matter what, always bet on a member of the elite to close ranks and say that avoiding any formal punishment would be what really stings. Because at the end of the day, they’ve spent their whole life learning that accountability is what you use to weed out the little people who can’t be trusted. It’s not for them.…
“I think the American people would be let off the hook if Donald Trump were impeached and removed from office”
::checks national popular vote::
::national popular vote did not go for Donald Trump::
So he means the electoral college? He means that they should not be let off the hook? Fine with me.
Impeaching Trump lets nobody off the fucking hook! If anything, it proves that they voted in a fucking criminal and a charlatan. Beyond that, there’s a good fucking chance he’ll get re-elected. No Comey... when the President beaks the fucking law, you hold him fucking accountable! Jesus Christ.
Happily, it appears not!
They’re going to call it a coup if he loses in 2020. They’ve already convinced themselves everyone outside the media supports him and thus he can’t lose without massive voter fraud.
Yeah, they will think that if he loses in 2020, hell, they will think that if he wins and is term-limited from running in 2024.
And a lot of his supporters would think some sort of coup had taken place,” Comey said.
Yeah, at this point I couldn’t give a fuck about their feelings.
As a more clever writer than I opined elsewhere, firing Comey from his job rather than from out of a canon certainly let him off the hook.
Jimmy, shut the fuck up.
“And a lot of his supporters would think some sort of coup had taken place,” Comey said.