I need a car like the King of Sweden,
I need a car like the King of Sweden,
Ferrari 456. You get 12 cylinders in a beautiful, but not flexy package. Also it’s said to be one of them most reliable of the Ferrari clan.
The only thing that’s secure is death and taxes.
“Imagine how many people could start their own business without having to rely on a job serving someone else that eats up 8 hours of their day, just so they can get the minimum of care if anything happens to them.”
Thank you comrade for enlightening dumb commenter with post that spans perhaps five years of recent history and is informed by perhaps a course or two at the community college. Or perhaps - I’m speculating here - was informed by a course at a major university taught by a professor who never ran a business, so really…
...And yet it works a heck of a lot better than planned economies.
Now that air compressor you have is fine for airing a slow leak in a pinch by the side of the road. But for airing your tires properly and easily, you need a compressor with a tank.
Yes. Or any or all of the above mistakes. If the only thing you’ve driven is an automatic, you hop in, turn the key and hit the gas. You can always hit the brake when there are two pedals...Wait, too late, there are three.
Jaguar, Lincoln, Jaguar ! My dude! XK8 man here!
I’m curious in that I’d like to know if modern cars with manual transmissions have some sort of a brake or clutch interlock that requires you to at least have your foot on the brake and/or clutch when starting the car. The description here sounds like the driver turned the key and started the car with the car in gear,…
Clopper Road ! I’m five minutes away and the Jaaaaagggg is running swell, so maybe I should go for a drive !
This thing you allude to. It eludes me.
I’m not buying any of this story.
The 8 mm socket is becoming my new 10 mm. I found about five 10 mm, but only one 8 mm during my most recent search.
Finally, I get to tell this story.
Ever hear of Roger Rager? If this were 1980, your school bus engine might have landed in an Indy Car.
Seems like Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares $20.5 million plus spiffs salary is right about ballpark for a car company CEO.
Speaking truth to power is the opposite of waving the Nazi salute. If it miffs the powers that be, that’ s the point anyway.
Good advice !
Using your wealth to employ people who will make you and your business empire more money doesn’t make you kind, patient, compassionate or selfless. But it may be as much a virtue as giving money away to the less fortunate. Therefore, if your goal is to build wealth that in some way enriches others, while enriching…