Getting rid of dams seems like a bad idea if clean energy is our goal.
Getting rid of dams seems like a bad idea if clean energy is our goal.
You Brits should have thought about this before imposing taxes on us back in the day. We’re gunslingers. Always have been and still are.
Erin, I applaud your research into the, uh, movement, but I’m most impressed by your use of the inverted Pyramid style of news writing.
I can certainly buy into the idea of cultural differences and that all people and cultures are weird. In mulling this thread over, I’m really kind of surprised that we Americans have speed limits and the Germans (in many cases) don’t.
I am sure Germans are fine people and Germany is a fine place. I’ve visited. It was ok. Lots of castles and such, and long words on street signs I couldn’t understand. Very entertaining and the people seemed nice.
I just won’t go to an F1 race if our military jets can’t fly overhead. I went to the Baltimore (Indycar) Grand Prix one year while Congress was bickering over the budget and not allowing military jets to fly at sporting events. The Maryland State Police flew a flock of helicopters over the track to start things off.…
I make my living off the evening news...
Well, this is a fine stupid gun story, but did Jalopnik miss the recent stupider story about the fellow who rammed the Prius and driver with his BMW, then started shooting at the Prius driver, just because road rage?
Apparently being liberal and woke means sympathizing with people who IDENTIFY with being criminals and felons.
Driving 2,000 miles in a million dollar rig, sleeping in WalMart parking lots, all just to spend a couple days in the great outdoors. How quaint.
I think the cops need to get CSI on the case. I hear they have a pretty good one in Vegas.
The Boring Tesla tunnel worked fine during SEMA. Maybe it isn’t as efficient as a train or moving walkway, but when you are trundling around a mile plus long convention center all day, and your feet are killing you, it’s not terrible to sit down in a comfortable car and be chauffeured back to your starting point. I’m…
I hope Brad Pitt picks up quarters on the track with his hot slicks...Because Stallone did it and that’s the only thing I remember from the movie. I guess that proved he was a precise race car driver or something.
Jaguar, the brand. It’s dead, or soon to be sold, but doesn’t know it yet.
Since the action happened in France, I’m kind of curious why Alesi purchased a “large Italian firework.” Are Italian fireworks better than French fireworks.
Vanishing Point was a counterculture classic that was ahead of its time, praising drug abuse, the 426 Hemi and the plight of the African American male versus the man in a brilliant performance by Cleavon Little as the nationally broadcast radio man, Super Soul.
I like your depth of field shots. The Mercedes comes to mind. (But is that a 190? I really hate that car, at least in its base model form. Bog slow and uncomfortably stiff.)
There is a lot of hate I see towards businesses and business owners who “write off” the miles. Miles spent visiting customers, or delivering products or buying supplies. Not miles visiting your mistress. Well, maybe some of those miles were - but as they say in accounting, you can only account for amounts that are…
“HAM could not risk changing tires on the last YF, b/c he may come out behind MAX, the race ends on yellow, he loses in what would be considered an absurd unforced error.”