Not my real name

As I went through the re-watch, I realized they recycled some jokes from movie to move that aren't that funny. How many episodes does Jonah or someone else remark on someone's 'cosplay?' And they have a few sound effects that they repeat in at least two or three episodes. It was often enough, and with enough

I really can't either. I think it's the acting, though. She sounds very commercial-grade.

Really?? He's my favorite. I'm lukewarm over Jonah. Joel is funny, but his voice, there's something about the slightly whiny tenor of his voice that can get to me once in a while. But Mike, he's just great.

No Cheryl is too much Cheryl. I could watch just Cheryl.

Yech, Patton Oswalt.

Weird, because I noticed in this season they *did* talk over dialogue quite a bit, but it was at the end rather than the beginning of the riff. It wasn't so much the immediacy of the joke after the movie line (which, yeah, that was noticeable a few times), it was that they went on too long.

I was really pleased they put in like two minutes of Jonah explanation then dropped it. I couldn't care less how he got there, get to the movie!

I LOVE Tom's singing.

A few times I couldn't tell among the three of them, actually. I used to not have any trouble at all telling between Tom and Crow. Maybe my hearing has gotten worse.

I only got through the first movie before getting distracted by other things, but am impressed with how seamless (and relatively short) the transition was. The one thing I noticed that kind of distracted me was their tendency to talk into some of the movie dialogue at times. Not that the movie dialogue is crucial

Really? When? Can I just skip to that episode? I mean, nothing is happening anyway.

You know, I was disappointed by the amount of character development relative to sci-fi/scary monster/thriller elements. I was expecting something much more fast-paced and less talky; instead, the plot stalled once a few characters were introduced. It got slow really fast for me. I mean, for crying out loud, how

How the hell do you know that? Did you just have that sitting in your head, waiting for a chance to escape, or did you look that up?

I learned a new word: blench.

Tim Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru (or, Tim Robbins: I Am Totally Your Guru and Don't You Forget It)

I couldn't watch it. Turned away and read a book, with the sound muted, until I was sure it was over.

I agree a branding is something you should never wish on another person, but I also think Piper is suffering the results of her own selfishness. it's awful and I would feel very broken if it happened to me, but it has a kind of horror to it that fits the story. I think the point of it was to be horrifying yet

Lolly's story almost made me cry. The flashbacks were so endearing: she got through life not as a lost soul but as a soulful (albeit mentally ill) dreamer. Her downfall was so hard to watch, and she should not be left to rot in prison. Her story is a tragedy.

Most definitely, I love that relationship! They're so sweet with each other, in such a hard, cold place, it's uplifting. I've just loved Poussey all along; she is a rare flower.

Seriously, Piper and her horrible self-obsessed choices have grated on me since the very beginning. She deserves the hell she has created for herself.