Not my real name

I'm sad for Patrick Stewart because of the movie he's in. But also laughing with Patrick Stewart. Because he voiced a poop emoji. My guess is he couldn't care less about the money (I really doubt he's the kind of guy that 'can be bought'); but he got to do something totally ridiculous, and it was probably a lot of

Sony makes good stuff, there's nothing wrong with having their stuff. It's the unbelievably bad, over-the-top marketing they do that makes people hate them.

I really liked the riffing on both Doug McClure movies. He seems to inspire them.

I haven't watched an episode since at least May something. the 12th, maybe?

It's so much funnier when the hosts lay back and toss off casual remarks, instead of yelling out jokes and sounding like little kids. If Jonah gets to the grown-up stage, he'll do well.

I couldn't quite like Jonah. He seemed to try way too hard, and his voice was grating. Really, the voices all around were a disappointment this season. The bots were funny, I just couldn't tell them apart. Patton Oswalt has always been a nonstarter for me in almost everything he has done, but I love Felicia Day,

Every single one of them seems to have at least one small boy (and sometimes an entire horde of them) yelling and running. That's what they do, yell and run. But the Yongary kid was a straight-up troublemaker. He had no redeeming value. And they're all just tickled pink with him at the end, like he's some kind of

Because kids are monsters?

I had a hard time paying attention during Carnival Magic. But clowns and monkeys freak me the hell out.

The hydra scene really ruined the movie for me for a little while. Not the whole movie, but that part. I was prepared for some bad special effects, but seriously, they really underdid themselves. This one was occasionally hard to sit through just because of the movie itself. Unlike Starcrash, possibly my favorite

The ending of Yongary was so…gross. Not just that he bled out, but from *where.* But I did get the feeling Jonah and the bots were having more fun with this one, and the riffs were more casual in manner. The whole 'Capsule!' thing cracked me up every time. The movie itself is such a mishmash of seemingly random

I binge watched it and experienced no ill effects. In fact some of the jokes were funnier because I remembered the previous joke they harkened back to. Also, I don't think that's why Erik stopped and started again.

So, I quit checking this THE DAY BEFORE HE UPDATED IT. I effing hate this format.

I don't know why I keep checking. Like a loveless marriage I just can't leave.

I'd love to tweet and ask him if he's going to finish this, but I am not on Twitter because I hate it.

There are two other recent articles (last few days) written by Erik about MST3K, but nothing here…I don't get it.

What say you?

I'm not sure I could ever say that about Pod People. Ever.

I hate this movie. And I keep watching it.

I've been slavishly checking in every couple days, but I'm thinking of taking this off my favorites list, because geez, ten days without a new review.