Still better than Hillary. ...and that is really sad.
Still better than Hillary. ...and that is really sad.
I work at an airport and I see A LOT of female passengers who were revealing clothing, especially in the summer. Bare midriff tops and booty shorts seem to predominate, and I have to make it a point not to look to long.
Um, I think the professional office scene is rapidly changing from what you describe above. As far as I know, business casual is the new formal. My anecdotal evidence is only of maybe a dozen midwest companies, but jeans and casual shoes like loafers, boat shoes, or even brown/white/black sneakers are ok with an…
I’m to the point now, as a man in a professional work environment, where I don’t usually trust people in suits and ties. (exceptions apply for businesses with archaic dress codes where suits are still required)
Unless something is actually showing, companies need to lay the fuck off. Seriously, you’re on an airplane, not at Ruth’s Chris steakhouse.
Yeah, tell me how conservatives don’t try to control people. Really, I need a laugh today.
Welcome to the liberal communist state of California. Hopefully shit like this makes you think about who your voting for.
Take away their patrol cars and put them all on bikes.
WOW... I nice priced it but I did not see that BS disclaimer. That should be illegal... absolutely ridiculous.
It turned that Audi into an Innie. And the driver into an Ouchie.
Holy shit, a tip o’ my hat to the bollard. Its light didn’t even stop blinking after it shredded that Audi. It was like Will Smith getting hit by the train in Hancock.
For years now, CarMax has been treating both buyers and sellers like children. Sale prices too high, but non-negotiable. Buying prices too low, and also never budge on those.
Read the paperwork bro, you gave Mark Zuckerberg the right of prima nocta to all your children.
It’s on a piece of paper that means its the right thing.
Who are these people who would buy a used car online, sight unseen? New cars I get, but used?
As someone who absolutely adores and routinely donates to our national parks, this is sickening.
If there are not sufficient resources to keep the parks staffed, they need to close until such time as staff levels can be returned to normal (and ideally, government pissing contests wouldn’t ever get in the way of public…
this is the PD’s try at avoiding admitting fault for the eventual civil action that will come from this accident.
Anyone else have issues with their statements?
Seriously. And how does anyone think deploying spike strips on a road that has a corridor of stopped cars filled with people is a good idea?
I hate to be that guy, but if no one was chasing him he wouldn’t have been driving that fast, and they wouldn’t have “needed” to deploy spike strips in a high-speed chase. I understand the need to pursue justice, but if one of the people in that car had died, I can’t imagine the justification.