
Depends on what you consider a “big deal”. Certainly it was a lot safer, more populated, and wealthier than it is today. (although the crime rate has started to drop again! Maybe it’s just because there’s fewer people left, but it’s certainly nice to see.) There were several factories and foundries, and there was a

Wait, hang on, are you seriously implying that the city of Flint was 100% A-OK until mean ol’ Snyder put an emergency manager in charge?

From my exposure to the books, it sounds like half the time, Isabelle really is the only one with any sense.

Sorry to break it to you, but computers have been able to read for awhile now. :)

Okay, so, Team Four Star once made a joke about this show in DBZ Abridged. I assumed they were making it up to be funny.

In high school, I had a reputation for being a good writer. I hated this, because when we did peer reviews of essays or whatever, no one would give me honest feedback. “Oh, it was wonderful, it was amazing, literally nothing about it could be better.” And it’s like... I know perfectly well I’m not a perfect writer. I

On the other hand, if something is merely so bad it’s bland, that doesn’t get attention. It’s when something is truly, ferociously, aggressively terrible that people care enough to hate it... or, more likely, if events around the book garner attention.

I feel the same way. When I think of a wild west novel, I also think of pseudo-historical stuff; I’d be quite surprised if someone handed me something that’s got significant fantasy or sci-fi elements. It’d be like if I asked for a novel about a soldier in World War II and was handed something dieselpunk. Yeah, it’s

Didn’t Sauron turn into a wolf once to fight that one awesome dog that traveled around with Beren and Luthien? Lost, though.

That’s one interpretation, that they’re Ents that became “tree-ish”, but it’s never said for sure if that’s true or if they’re trees that became “Ent-ish” (possibly due to influence from Sauron or Morgoth).

We’re crazy behind in a lot of areas, but surprisingly enough we’re on Office 2013 at my company. In a surprising turn of events, this actually is a bad thing occasionally because of some horrifying things people have done with document templates that only work in Word 2007.

Oh! I get it. I was so confused about how that many people could end up with that same password...

To get an answer to that, I think you’d have to be more specific.

I’m 23, read the (first two) Dirk Gently books a few years back, adored them. They’re bizarre and wonderful.

Uh. Were you previously unaware of how fines worked? All fines are paid to the government... the point isn’t to reimburse the victims of whatever law/regulation was violated, the point is to punish the person (or company) that violated the law/regulation.

Works great, until you hit one of those days where it’s so cold the wiper fluid freezes upon contact with your windshield.

Meh. On the contrary, I appreciated that the movie didn’t end with a relationship between the two of them, and that despite her obvious interest, Bourne didn’t seem interested in her in that way.

Ahh, the wirework was the best part of the show!

There’s reasons other than superpowers for Hawkeye/Black Widow to be in the Avengers—they were both already part of SHIELD.

By “low-key”, I mean “they’re strong/tough, but aren’t, like, an alien from another planet, a genius who built his own flying suit IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!, a guy who can transform, etc.” And I’m only talking about MCU-verse Luke, not comics Luke.