
In a drinking competition, definitely.

I agree. What context would the Avengers learn about—or care about—Jessica Jones? Can you really picture her teaming up with Thor and Iron Man and so on? There’s a bunch of people with lowgrade superpowers running around, she’s not that unique in that regard. I’m totally cool with the big galaxy-affecting stuff being

What’s the timeline of Jessica Jones and Daredevil, anyway? Are they supposed to be simultaneous?

The fact that nobody can do magic in Fallout and has no clue about the existence of alternate planes of existence and the Aedra/Daedra have apparently stopped coming around... those might be good clues that Fallout happened in the past, in this theory. :P

Oh, come on, how many times do you visit other planes of existence in the TES games? It happens all the time!

Didn’t the Khajiit go to the moon that one time, thus proving it really is another plane of existence (as TES Lore generally claims) and not an airless hunk of rock? (one of the moons, anyway. I dunno which one)

Lovely cover!

Sounds interesting. Dare I ask how the guy ended up dead—and how he woke up once that happened?

This is my eighth NaNo year and I’ve never once written something for NaNo that I didn’t, at the time, think “this is the biggest load of crap I have ever written in my life”.

Hit 50k a couple of days ago, although the story itself is only maybe half-done. It’s the second in a spy thriller slash urban fantasy series I’m writing mostly to amuse myself. (basic premise: what if not!elves lived secretly alongside humans? And what if some of them worked for the American government?)

So you don’t say “on purpose”? Curious.

When my mom started working in an elementary school a few years ago, she commented on this. “Why do all the kids say ‘on purpose’? It doesn’t make any sense!” I pointed out to her that I say “on purpose”, and have for as long as I can remember. She just never noticed it from me!

Why is “on purpose” okay but “on accident” isn’t?

It’s almost like there are multiple effects that can affect people simultaneously! Wow!!!

Turns out it was a secret Sony ploy to sell more. ;)

That’s kind of interesting to think about, from a technical perspective. Even if you could (and you can) train a program to pick out messages talking about violence, it seems like it’d be much harder to weed out “actual real-world violence” from “fictional violence”, especially when you factor in that many videogames

Oh, clone names. What was he thinking? No matter how good those books are, I never have been able to take “Luuke” (barf) seriously.

Oh! That’s what I remember. I know I actually did read Courtship at one point, but nothing from the summary above was familiar to me. I think I mentally replaced it with that version, which I do remember being decent. (I specifically remember the “kidnapping” thing)

I read it as “Hades Gamma”, which is from Mass Effect...

I read this book once. I distinctly remember reading it, specifically because I was like “oh Han/Leia is awesome, let me read this book about them.”