
If for no other reason, we need to send sloths to space because “slothtronauts” is an incredibly cute word.

The version I had as a child had little birds that sang, and I quote, “Look back, look back, there’s blood on the track” to warn the prince about the evil stepsisters.

Ditto. I have no desire to ever watch the show, but the recaps are just glorious.

Gonna be honest, when I saw what a mess her room was, my first thought was, “hey! A TV show with a woman like me in it!” I don’t drink, but I am an unabashed slob.

I’m sorry, I’m just stuck on the 37-pound frogs.

That is hysterical.

Does Cortana get snippy if you call her “Siri”? Siri gets very sarcastic if you call her “Cortana” or say “OK Google”.

Well, the idea would be that the victim would often be looking at their murderer when they die.

Not that big if he missed what happened to Revan later in life...

It should be! It takes place, like, thousands of years in the past—how could it possibly contradict canon now?

I’m... not quite sure what you think the International Astronomical Union is, but it’s literally an organization made up entirely of professional astronomers.

Kepler definitely warrants a mention. One of the major reasons there was so much opposition to heliocentrism was that if you assume perfectly circular orbits, heliocentrism actually was worse to explain the movement of celestial bodies! It wasn’t until Kepler came up with elliptical orbits that heliocentric ideas

Image credit: Galileo Galilei

Spider-Gwen looked awesome! They were all great, but that one jumped out to me.

I’m currently playing through Blood Money for the first time, and this is 100% exactly what the game is. I spend most of my time just exploring the levels and trying to figure out all the different pieces before I even bother trying to play it “properly”. If things devolve into a big shootout, I consider myself to

Eh, it’s a staple of a Star Wars thing, I’m willing to run with it even if it doesn’t necessarily make sense. Basically all of the major Star Wars books, videogames, and (obviously) movies have had some variety of Force user as an antagonist. Even, like, the Thrawn Trilogy, where the primary antagonist wasn’t Force

Hey, he was certainly right about what kind of materials would be circulated on the internet—there’s certainly plenty of porn, pirated music/movies, and crazy terrorist/anarchist manifestos out there.

Yeah, the broad strokes of it certainly do fit Anonymous.

DBZA is what turned me into a DBZ fan, so you might find yourself liking it without meaning to...

Although, let’s not fall into the trap of thinking the Wehrmacht was particularly innocent either. They did some pretty horrific stuff too, and at the very least it’s clear most officers were complicit in the war crimes.