
In Cavill’s defense, witchers not having strong emotions/reacting like normal people is a pretty major part of the lore in the books. (Geralt angsts about it constantly)

In Cavill’s defense, witchers not having strong emotions/reacting like normal people is a pretty major part of the lore in the books. (Geralt angsts about it constantly)

Every time I watch a new MCU movie, I have this horrible little fear in the pit of my stomach that it’s gonna be terrible.

That fear never plays out—Ragnarok and Black Panther were SO GOOD—but it’s still always there!


Uh. What? Greek and Latin are not related to Hebrew, aside from some loanwords. Hebrew is an Afro-Asiatic language (specifically a Semitic language, and even more specifically a Canaanite language); Greek and Latin are Indo-European languages. (Greek’s in the Hellenic branch, Latin’s in the Italic branch.)

The ship has been sitting there for over two hundred years, so I doubt you can blame modern “toxins” for its preservation. A lot of shipwrecks in the Great Lakes are remarkably well-preserved, not just ones in Lake Erie—my understanding that it’s mostly due to the coldness of the water (especially at the lakebed) and

Is there any deals on plain ol’ DVD versions of the trilogy? I may be the only person left on Earth who doesn’t own a Blu-ray player.

Is there any deals on plain ol’ DVD versions of the trilogy? I may be the only person left on Earth who doesn’t own

Oh my word.

It’s Dan Didio’s fault somehow. “They wouldn’t let me kill him in Infinite Crisis, well, they’ll see! He’ll die in LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE, muahaha!”

Has Tim Drake recovered from his New 52 lobotomy yet?

More Renee Montoya couldn’t be a bad thing!

Hey, another person whose interest was murdered by Nu52! In fact, I’ve only really started reading comics again this past couple months (after I got sick of people gushing about Batman vs. Superman and wanted to see some good Batman/Superman stories)... but only pre-Nu52 stuff. I’m sure there was some neat-o stuff in

Bob was in it?? Now I’ve gotta see it.

Now, baby, you know how important protection is to me, so before we do this... can you put this high-vis jacket on?

Uh... what fast food places have you been to that keep refrigerated vehicles out back?

Did you even read my post? I’m not saying that the water crisis isn’t terrible. In fact, I believe I explicitly said that it’s horrible and that people need to be taken to task for it and that it needs to be fixed now.

The mains mostly aren’t the problem, it’s the pipes in homes and businesses. That’s what makes it particularly difficult to solve, because it’s so decentralized of a problem.

‘Cause they don’t have any money to move anywhere else. It’s the same problem Saginaw and Detroit have. Everyone who has money has already moved somewhere nice, so the only people left are those who are too old or too poor to move. (or they’re criminals, in which case I guess they probably still are too poor to move)

“Years” makes it sound like this has been going on for decades. It was a year and a half before the whole thing came to a head, and I doubt it was really known on a state level until early 2015. (although obviously the city lawmakers knew earlier)

I’m given to understand that it’s actually lead in solder used in joining the pipes, not the pipes themselves. From what I’ve heard, the amount that would normally leach into the water from this source is pretty negligible, but basically the different composition of the Flint River water (which could have been but