
Huh. Judging by these comments, I'm the odd one out—I don't get vertigo. I'm not always 100% comfortable with heights, especially if I'm standing on something rickety, and I'm not particularly excited by it like the people in these videos, but... it just doesn't bother me at all.

Spider-man's origin is like Superman's—literally everyone knows the basics, there is no need to devote an entire movie to talking about it again.

Fair enough, I suppose that makes sense.

Why shouldn’t it be?

There’s a middle ground between no copyright protection and total exclusivity... the problem is that videogame companies (and, let’s be honest, movie and music companies too) keep insisting that there isn’t, and unfortunately the lawmakers are listening to them.

I've always rather wondered that. I like the books, and I like how the subject of the supernatural is treated throughout them, but you do have to wonder why Claire is so adamant that magic cannot possibly exist. You were sent back in time from the 1940s to the 1700s! Magic obviously exists in one form, why not

It'd probably work if all her enemies were teenage boys...

It'll be a bit awkward when she has to stop in the middle of a fight to put the girls back in her shirt, though. They would bounce right out.

Nah, he was created in response to Deathstroke, who's Slade Wilson. (in fact, Deadpool originally was really just a straight-up copy of Deathstroke, it took a little while for him to become the over-the-top parody that we all know and love)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's going to be entirely ignored, but I really hope the DP movie references it anyway.

First you get together several hundred thousand dollars and go buy an insanely high-end camera. :)

You've been following the Slow Mo guys for "years", and never once noticed that Gavin was affiliated with RT the whole time?

Whoa. Can this sort of thing happen as a one-off? Because if so, I'm positive this happened to me about a month ago. I was suddenly awoken by this bang that sounded like an explosion—I actually thought a transformer or something blew and jumped out of bed, but after I realized nobody else in my apartment building was

Also chimichangas.

I dunno, I produce constructions like "it's literally enormous!" and "it's literally amazing" naturally and I hear them frequently in casual speech as well.

But doesn't that joke rely on the use of "literally" as a generic intensifier? If "literally" didn't have two meanings, the joke wouldn't make any sense. It'd just be a statement.

Unfortunately, the pedants are also operating from a position of ignorance, because they fail to recognize that there is nothing, nothing at all, different about modern semantic shift as opposed to older ones. There is nothing unusual or unexpected about it at all. So complaining about it as if it's some new and

Has there actually been a spike, or has the rise of high-speed communication simply meant people can complain about it more conveniently now?

Because I'm sure those writers came up with the use of "literally" as an intensifier all on their lonesomes and did not, in fact, pick it up naturally from the people around them. Riiiiight.

No, they aren't. They really aren't using it to mean "figuratively" at all. They're using it as an intensifier, and it's the exact same semantic shift that "real" underwent to become the generic intensifier "really" (which started off as meaning "real", "truthful", etc.) and "very" underwent (it too originally meant