
"The fact is we don't have a word for what literally used to mean any more"

oh no how will english ever survive this thing that has never ever ever happened before in the entire history of the language ever

In addition to all the linguistic arguments against your definition of "decimate" (many words have shifted from their original meanings; this is textbook etymological fallacy; etc.), how about a historical one? The Roman Army, y'know, the ones who carried out the literally decimation, didn't always use it to mean

It could be a good sign that the script wasn't actually done when they handed it to the actors... or that even the actors thought the script was so dumb and forgettable that they didn't remember that part.

I think they're actually alien parasites that have attached themselves to her chest, and thus move completely independently of her.

She's apparently made out of plastic that somebody got a little too close to a heat source.

Uh, syphilis is far from the only STD. While it's possible (if still somewhat controversial) that syphilis was a New World disease that only found its way back to Europe post-Columbus, there were definitely other STDs in Europe before that.

In fairness, I think Harry having a hat on the covers is a deliberate joke. :)

Well, presumably she's not normally naked.

Or weight, the British have those stone things that always confuse me.

I would suspect every culture has at least one question like this, where it's really just a stock greeting with one socially acceptable answer.

Yeah... random strangers don't/shouldn't have to care about my problems, so why bother telling them? My day is fine so far as they're concerned.

"You're into technology, right? So can you help me with this printer problem I'm having—"

Ughhh. Tell me about it. It's like pulling teeth, getting people to test an application. Don't you want this thing to work? Don't you want it to do what you want it to do, and look nice while it does it? Then why can't you spare ten minutes to test the darn thing???

Spoiler warning: it will involve an awful lot of me glaring at my monitors, heaving loud sighs, and wandering off to get more hot chocolate, then whining to a coworker for a half-hour about how stupid the code is.

As a relatively new programmer, I'm coming to realize that the most valuable skill in a developer isn't being able to write amazing code—no, it's being able to read between the lines and figure out what the customer actually wants, which is never what they claim they want.

Assuming you can actually get people to test and document stuff in the first place, that is.

At work, we use OneNote a lot—just throw everything in there, code snippets, email exchanges, notes, screenshots, whatever. Makes you look really smart when you can "remember" stuff quickly... otherwise known as using OneNote's search feature.

You forgot the 20% of your week sitting in meetings that only tangentially involve you, but for some reason you have to come to them anyway so you can smile and nod when prompted by the project leader, the entire time wishing you could have a stroke or a seizure or something so you'd have an excuse to leave and go to

Okay, so this is a level of pedantry totally unwarranted by this terribly-boring-sounding show, and I should probably stop overthinking things, but...