Officer Serpico

based on this AV Club article I am now fully prepared to judge and rank the character and human worth of all parties involved.

Castle Of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse was a great Disney game for the Genesis. I remember playing that one alot. Wikipedia tells me that one was developed by Sega.

The Genesis would have seizures trying to run Stryder like diring the zero gravity boss fight or the level with the dinosaurs. I used to loop the game music onto cassette.

Hell yeah, Eternal Champions was great. Very hard to find the correct spot of the screen to trigger the cool finishing moves, tho.

iirc, i spent alot of time in the bathroom trying to get the Mom to drop her towel.

whats a good and reasonably priced modem? I was looking at that router and realized i should probably upgrade my crazy old modem first.

Shinobi (i know there was one for PS2, correct?)

a dark and gritty reboot of the Albert Brooks film?

Misty morning
clouds in the sky
without warning
a puppy walks by

and if they're vindicated, the headline writes itself.

You need a bad operation.


my daughter has had one of these for just over 24 hours and has already managed to dislodge the ballbearings and spill them all over the floor of her after-school care.

Incensed to Pill was straight gaw-bitch, yo.

Kia ora! My name is,
Kia ora! My name is,
Kia ora! My name is,
(wikki wikki)
Slim Kiwi

i was all for checking this out, but that trailer isn't very good. the editing is shit and boring.

She'll pull a Natalie Cole and release a duet with her dad after he's dead.

i think ll cool j and canibus are BOTH fantastic!

