Officer Serpico

Is that line from that stupid and juvenile Die Antwoord video?

where do they all come from?

Hey if you just want to make assinine comments on the internet with no push-back, let people know that upfront. Saves time.

Are you assuming i'm a fan of his because i think yr perspective is wrong?

"Slower! Less Intense!" —George Lucas

very interesting. you earned this great job, internet.

which performances were listless? as remakes go, this is a pretty good flick.

nope, got nothing to do with her being a woman. and I'm specifically addressing the knee-jerk outrage cycle that's so common on the interwebs, and not the veracity of what she's claiming. as a random person on the internet, you have no concrete evidence that her version of events is true or not.

I'm questioning the reactions of a subset of AV Club commenters who I'm assuming represent a larger swath of internet commenters. I think that Cosby comparison is bullshit but you brought it up so I felt like I had to respond to it.


absolutely, but it does continue to set a precedent that can easily be taken advantage of.

except that there were many of them, Cosby was accused of something highly illegal, and the case was strong enough to go to court. This is a fucking essay on the internet about infidelity during a failing relationship.

based on an unverified assertion from one half of a failed relationship.

(insert picture of Hoggle here)

fine, here's your bachelor's degree. please leave my office.

that's oversimplifying it to a stupid degree. This isn't about her being a woman, it's about the internet taking the claims of one party in a failed celebratory relationship at face value and jumping on a bandwagon without any proof other than an essay on the internet, along with some perceived blemished on the other

woke and boke

the content mill ain't gonna churn itself.

this news. that comment, your comment, this one, too.

what's most notable about this horseshit is how predictable the righteous internet backlash machine is, and how easy it's becoming to take advantage of that predictability to ruin people overnight with very little effort.